Search Results for: past continuous


past continuous

Elementary level


Past Continuous and Past Simple

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, ss will learn <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and <b>past</b> continues through guided discovery and exercises. In the lead-in stage, T asks ss what they can remember about the pictures from the previous lesson and in order to help them shows pictures and gives them HOs to ask each other questions in pairs. In order to clarify the use of both tenses together, timeline will be drawn on the WB. Irregular and regular verbs and pronunciation of regular verbs will be practiced. The gram...


TP 2 (10 Jan 2019)

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn about <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> and <b>Past</b> Continuous. They will also lean how to link <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> and <b>Past</b> Continuous. They will practice how to pronounce regular <b>past</b> forms of verbs.


listening practice, grammar (past simple-past continuous)

Intermediate level

in this lesson students are going to practice grammar, <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and <b>past</b> continuous, throughout a listening exercise. then a brief discussion, describing a minor injury, dangerous situation or feeling frightened. in which there will be more practice in how to use both tenses. then pair exercise.


TP4 LP - Abbas Rezaqolinejad

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will become familiar with <b>past</b> continues and its meaning and use by way of being exposed to a situation/setting within the lead-in stage which will create a chance to face continuing actions in the <b>past</b>. They will then use that awareness of the language to delve into a gist task where they will learn a bit more of the <b>past</b> continuous concept and eventually, they will do a more in-depth analysis of that tense via a detailed activity followed by a c...


having a bad day, past continuous

Pre intermediate unit 9 lesson a level

In this lesson SS are going to learn <b>past</b> continuous through a short reading and the class is will be started by a discussion. after teaching the lesson, it will be followed by some controlled practice and freer practice.


Past Continuous

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, Ss learn about the <b>Past</b> Continuous through guided discovery approach based on a reading text about 'a story behind the picture'. The lesson starts with a matching game with pictures and stories. There is gist reading task. Following that there will be grammar based exercises. Finally, there is some controlled practice and freer practice through role-playing.


simple past/ past continuous

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students learn about using the <b>past</b> continuous with the <b>simple</b> <b>past</b> and the time conjunctions when and while through a guided discovery based on a reading text about getting into acting. The lesson starts with pre-teaching some vocabulary. It is followed by reading for gist and highlighting the target language. Finally, there is a controlled practice through blank filling and freer practice via a personalized speaking activity.


Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn how to talk about <b>past</b> actions, processes, and states using <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b>, <b>Past</b> Continuous, and used to. The lesson starts with a discussion of childhood. This is followed by reading for gist where students read the text and match the information with people. Next, there is an activity for controlled practice and freer practice where students talk about their <b>past</b>.


Eda Aslan/29.04.2014/TP7 - Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Intermediate level

In this lesson, the students learn about the meanings , forms and usages of <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> and <b>Past</b> Continuous Tenses through guided discovery. They'll also practice the productive skills of Speaking.
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