Search Results for: verb tenses


Past Simple- Irregular Verbs

Elementary level

This lesson reviews the <b>Past</b> <b>Simple</b> Tense briefly focusing on the irregular verbs. Students might have taken a look at <b>Simple</b> <b>Past</b> Tense before and this lesson continues in the same context as the previous lesson which is blog post texts. After this lesson students will have speaking exercises in the TL through some speaking activities in the following lesson.


Teaching Practice 1

A2 - elementary level

In this lesson sts will review and practice the present <b>simple</b> tense (+) in the context of personal information. Lesson starts with an examination of one or two student sentences from the previous lesson written on the WB to elicit the verb and tense. After this, sts are asked to do Ex. 4 on HO, working in pairs. Following the PW feedback, the context of the material that will be used in the next exercise is introduced. Then sts are asked to fill in the blanks on the HO with the verbs ...


Verb "to be" in simple past tense

Grade 4 level

This lesson is prepared to make the students be aware of “<b>Simple</b> <b>Past</b> Tense”;to teach how to transform & use verb “to be” in <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense and to make them distinguish verb “to be” in present & <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tenses.


Talking about you - Past Simple - Irregular verbs

Elementary level

In this lesson, Ss will focus on the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> tense of irregular verbs. The lesson starts with a short review of the <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> and an introduction to the <b>past</b> tense of irregular verbs. Ss will try to come up with as many <b>past</b> forms as possible of given verbs. Then, they will match verbs with their <b>past</b> forms on the board. Then they will do a controlled practice in which they read a biography and complete the text with the <b>past</b> form ...


Travel Lesson: Future Continuous Verb Tense

Intermediate (b1) -upper intermediate (b2)-clb 5-7 level

In this lesson, students will learn how to make proper use of future continuous tense, including when and how to use it correctly for different purposes. The overall context/theme of this lesson is surrounding travel, trip planning, and looking at an itinerary. The final activity of this lesson will likely take more time, but the task, intent, and criteria may be explained in the same lesson depending on how much time is available. The Language Analysis is included at the very end, along with...


grammar week 2

B2 level

In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to practice verb tenses present perfect <b>simple</b> and continuous (possibly with <b>past</b> <b>simple</b> as well) in the context of travel and events.


TP1 - Grammar: Present simple and present continuous

Pre-intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn about the present <b>simple</b> and present continuous tenses through review and practice. First, students will discuss the differences between the two tenses and then look for examples in the transcripts of the previous listening activities. Next they will choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks of a paragraph exercise. Finally, they will discuss time zones and what people are doing in different areas of the world at that moment. If t...


The tenses of storytelling -- Don't Forget Language Analysis

Intermediate level

A review of the most common verb tenses that are used when telling stories in English.


The Power of nature: Vocabulary and Narrative Tenses

Intermediate level

In this lesson, students will learn nouns that describe natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and forest fires. Next, students will have a guided practiced listening exercise where stories about natural events are played back. After that, a brief introductory grammar lesson on narrative verb tenses takes place followed by a guided practice reading exercise.



Beginners a1 level

In this lesson, Ss will learn how to use irregular <b>past</b> tense verbs:drank/went/saw/had /ate to describe their last holiday using irregular verbs.
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