TP6 Functions
Main Aims
Students will be introduced to and provided practice for the use of functional language in the context of expressing surprise or lack thereof. Students will develop the sub-skills of listening for detail and gist.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will practice and develop conversational speaking skills.
Students will develop the skill of scanning audio texts for detail.
Procedure (30-41 minutes)
T will display Google Slides with Big Question and begin contextualization. T will ask a S to read the Lead-In story to introduce relevant characters and make predictions/connections pertaining to the topic of the lesson.
T will share the task link and provide instruction. Ss will listen to the audio 1x for gist. Ss will share their answers. T will reiterate that Ss will focus on and listen for TL that shows surprise or lack thereof. Ss will listen to the audio a 2nd time to complete a gap fill of TL. T will reveal the gap fill answer key. T will facilitate OCFB, making sure to highlight the use of TL.
Meaning - T will provide task link and instructions, making sure to point out the slide/BOR correlation. Ss will enter BOR and complete task while T joins BORs intermittently to monitor S progress. Ss will be given 2 minutes in BORs, after which Ss will reenter main room for OCFB. T will take this time to further contextualize the TL. T will ask follow-up CCQs to ensure understanding. Form - T will provide the task link and instruct Ss to focus on questions 1-4 as there are two sections to the Google Form. T will remind Ss of fixed expressions and give 2 minutes to complete 1-4 individually, followed by OCFB. Pronunciation - T will provide task instructions. Ss will listen to audio and identify correct stress. T will break down further elements of pronunciation such as schwas, elision and linking. Ss will listen again and repeat the audio.
T will share the task link and provide instructions. Ss will complete gap fill individually for 2 minutes, before entering BOR to discuss/compare answers with partners for an additional 2 minutes. Upon return to main room Ss will participate in OCFB.
T will provide task instruction, making sure to point out the slide/BOR correlation. T will remind Ss to use TL. Ss will enter BORs and spend 1 minute deciding who will be the main character, and some relevant TL. Students will spend at least 4 minutes in BORs engaging in role play conversation and utilizing TL. After 5-6 minutes Ss will rejoin main room. T will ask 1 group to share their conversation.
T will point out good use of TL, specifically correct structure and appropriacy, and praise students in areas they excelled. T will point out the incorrect use of TL and work with Ss to correct it.