TP2 Everyday Life
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide specific information using Present simple questions
Subsidiary Aims
To introduce common verb vocabulary words for everyday life.
To provide pronunciation practice for asking Present simple questions and short answers for our daily lives
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
T will board pictures of everyday life things, then ask SS to put them in the order they would do them. T-S feedback(Elicit target vocabulary)
Put SS in PW, T will post a verb card on the WB, then model how the SS are to connect the words to the proper verb cards. T will ICQ's before (PW) complete the exercise. T will group the pairs for peer check/feedback. T will give the G's the answer key to check their answers.
T will randomly select students to read questions with Do you...? Then T will demonstrate to the SS how to cluster the words together for proper pronunciation. T will randomly select SS again to read the questions. Open-class feedback
T will instruct SS on their task, complete ICQ's play recording then. (PW) Drill practice of grammar point.
(PW), T will demonstrate how to complete the reading grammar questions and short answer exercise. T will rotate (PW) to check and review work.