Almasa Dizdarevic Almasa Dizdarevic

TP2 Module 3: Everyday Life
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will practise asking and answering yes/no questions in Present Simple: Do you/we/they...? Ss will practise giving short answers: Yes, I/we/you/they do./ No, I/we/you/they don't. Ss will practise speaking and writing. They will also learn places vocabulary.


Abc Cut outs
Abc Questionnaire handouts
Abc Answer Key handouts
Abc New Cutting Edge Students' Book
Abc Cut outs

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Present Simple Tense questions and answers in the context of Everyday Life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach vocabulary. Places: the beach, a flat, a pub, a shop...


Lead In/ Warm up (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the lesson and make the context of the lesson interesting for the SS

T greets Ss. T organizes class in groups (apples, bananas). Each group gets a set of cut out and mixed words. They put them in the right order to make questions. They stick them on the WB. The group who finishes first wins. Let the winner help other group finish as well..

Write a questionnaire (10-12 minutes) • To give Ss chance to interact with each other in TL

Ss are given empty questionnaire table to fill in with their questions. Ss write their own questions starting with Do you...? They also write the names of their peers in the table so they can check if they asked everyone in the class. Ss mingle and ask the questions.

Controlled practice: Fill In the Gaps (10-13 minutes) • To check their understanding and prepare them for more demanding interaction.

Ss work in pairs to complete the questions and answers in ex 3. They check their answers by using an answer key handout that T put on the WB.

Write sentences (10-12 minutes) • To practise using Present Simple in relevant context.

T writes phrases in balloons on the WB: my parents, my friends and I, my family. In the balloon on left T writes a couple of verbs and asks Ss to write more. Write 8 more sentences (a paragraph!) about their parents, family, friends. T says: Write 8 more! When they finish, they compare their paragraphs with other Ss. They read to each other in groups and look for something same and something different.

Vocabulary: Places (5-8 minutes) • To teach vocabulary that is used in everyday life; to teach the relation between 'same' and 'different'

T points to pictures and asks questions: Do you see beach? Where? Together, T and Ss go through vocabulary. T then has them compare the places in the pictures with their home towns/ cities. They look for what's SAME and what's DIFFERENT.

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