Esraa Esraa

persuasive essay
b1+ / b2 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to write a persuasive essay effectively and engagingly. They will gain a clear understanding of the components of a persuasive essay, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of an essay in the context of comparing ourselves to others.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about comparing ourselves to others in the context of why we shouldn't compare ourselves to others


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warmer/ ice breaker: 1. T will start the session with an introduction about himself 2. T will set the warmer (this or that) as the following: * T will say "Let's get to know your classmates more" * T have to chest the paper (task 1) * T will say "Here we have 4 columns, 1st one is this or that, and you have to ask your friend to choose one of them by saying( what would you choose .... or.....?). 2nd is why? (write your friend's reason). 3rd, where you write your friend's name. 4th is where you write whether you agree with him or not. Go around and ask as many people as you can in 3 min. * T will ask ICQs: - Are you going to ask only one person? No - Are you going to fill in all the columns? Yes - Are you going to write about yourself? No, my friends 3. T will hand them the sheets and set a timer of 3 min. 4. T have to monitor to make sure that they are on task and talking with different people not only one person. (T can shout saying "switch") 5. After the timer goes off, T will ask Ss for content feedback. Ex. How many people did you talk with? Who did you speak with? What do you have in common? /Who do you agree with? why? .......etc. Lead in:- 1. T will display a picture on the screen that shows two people comparing with each other 2. T will elicit, what can you see? Are they the same or different? 3. T will display this quote (“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in the world, if you do so, you’re insulting yourself.” Bill Gates) Do you agree or disagree? 4. T will set them in groups of 3 to discuss together 5. T will set a 3/4 min. timers 6. T should ICQ: Are you going to work alone? No. Are you going to write or discuss? Discuss. 7. T will monitor to support whenever needed 8. After the timer goes off, T will ask for content feedback. Ex. Do you agree or disagree? Why? What interesting reasons have you heard? ....... etc. 9. T should have a smooth transition to the next stage by saying " Now, we are going to read about this issue"

Exposure/ Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading an essay

2. T will tell Ss to read an essay about comparing self with others. Read and choose What is the main idea of the passage? 3. T will display the ideas and set 2-3 min. timer to read 4. T will ICQ: - Are you going to read-only? No. Read and choose - Are you going to skim or read in detail? Skim 5. T will hand them the reading task. 6. T will monitor to make sure that the Ss are on task. 7. when the timer goes off, T will ask Ss to check in pairs. 8. when they finish, T will ask for feedback and provide an answer key. (in the PPTx)

Genre analysis (10-15 minutes) • To analyze the essay in terms of organization and content to help Ss produce their own essay

(T should prepare this part before they start their session.) This part is to have the Ss notice the organization of the essay. 1. T will print task 3, cut the paragraphs out, and shuffle them. 2. T will divide Ss into groups of 3 or 5. 3. T will give each group sets of papers to match 4. T will ask them to hide their reading task. 4. T will explain the task as the following: " Here we have some paragraphs and their names, You have to match each one of these paragraphs with its correct name. You have 2 minute." 5. T will ICQ: will you work alone or in a group? In a group. - Will you write anything or just match? Just match. - Is it okay to look at the reading essay? No. 6. T will monitor carefully. 7. when the timer goes off, T provides an answer key (task 3 itself before it is cut) 8. T will explain the order logically and the difference between the bodies. 9. T will explain that the order of bodies depends on the coherence and the logical order of the ideas (In this part, Ss have to notice the difference in the content itself by doing task 4) 1. T will have the Ss dig deeper into the essay by providing them with Task 4 2. T will explain this task like the following "In this task you will read again, but you will underline what matches the statement you have" 3. T have to model this task by answering number one with them. 4. T will say "Number 1 is (An interesting opening with a saying ) Let's return to the essay. here is the answer (people often advise us to compare ourselves with others: "You should be like your father," .........etc.) 5. T will set a timer of 5 min. to read and answer. Ss will work alone. 6. T will ICQ: will you work in a group or alone? Alone. Will you answer anything from your mind or the essay? The essay 7. T will monitor 8. when the timer goes off, T will ask Ss to check answers in pairs. 9. T will take the feedback. 10 T will display the slide of (the elements of an essay) 11. T will elicit from the students and provide some examples from the essay. 12. T should highlight the language used in each paragraph ex. (First, There are many reasons to change/ The first reason to avoid comparing yourself with others is .........etc.) 13. T should highlight the order of the essay and how to say your opinion in different bodies using the help of the original essay

The writing Task (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing skills

T should prepare the papers needed beforehand. 1. T will print the topics, in the Zewail University demo worksheet file, page 7, so that each student takes one. 2. T will fold the papers and ask each student to choose a paper randomly. 3. T will ask Ss to open the paper and read the problems they have 4. T will ask Ss who have the same topic and number to get together in a group 5. T will encourage Ss to brainstorm some of their ideas persuasively and write them down. Give them 5 min. T will Icq: - will you think alone or with your group? with my group - will you start writing now or brainstorming first? brainstorming first - will you agree on the same point or disagree? agree 6. T will monitor to provide help and support. 7. Time is up, T asks them to work individually and start their first essay draft without writing their names. 8. T will display a rubric on the screen to help them write. (in the ppt) 9. T will mention that they need to use this rubric to make sure that they are on the right path. 10. T will give Ss 15 min. to write 11. When the time is over, T will take Ss papers and number them 12. T will hang the papers on the wall to start a gallery walk.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. T will ask Ss to go around and read their friends' essays, take some notes about things they liked and mention the paper's number. (gallery walk task) 2. T will ICQ: - Will you write any grammatical mistakes? No. - Will you write what you like? Yes. - Will You mention the writer? No - will you mention the paper's number? yes 3. T will go around with them and take notes about their writing. 4. After they finish, ask them for the feedback. (content) 5. T will ask them about what they liked and in which paper. 6. T will provide some language feedback in terms of organization, grammar, spelling, word choice .......etc. 7. T will write the language feedback on the board 8. T will ask ss to correct them in pairs (student-centred) 9. T will give final language feedback

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