Teaching Practice 5 - Beril Akinci
Elementary level
Main Aims
To read for gist and detail within the context of television theories
Subsidiary Aims
Develop new vocabulary and speak about the pros and cons of watching television within the context of television theories
Procedure (34-48 minutes)
Ss are put into pairs. They are given 3 minutes to find and discuss two of their favorite television programs. In the end, teacher nominates 3 ss to tell the whole class their favorite television programs. T gives out the lexis (word-match) exercise. Ss work for 3 minutes. T goes over answers and spends 1-2 minutes on pronunciation. T asks CCQs Is killing someone a crime? Yes Is begging a crime? No Are some video games violent? Yes What kind? With guns Are fashion models fat? No If you watch too much television, it is bad for your eyes. So it will.......... your eyes. (hurt) Do you live in a society? Yes What kind of society? Turkish Can I get hurt by air? No Are humans intelligent? Yes Are dogs intelligent? Yes Which animal is more lazy? Cat or dog? Cat or dog What is it called when your head hurts? headache
Ss are put into 4 groups. T demonstrates how to to do the paragraph-matching exercise. T tells students they have 3 minutes so they shouldn't read every detail. T tells ss there is one extra theory. T monitors and collects errors. T stick paragraph on the board. After three minutes, teacher nominates ss from each group to come to the board and stick right bubble with the right paragraph. T provides feedback for collected errors.
Ss will work individually for this stage. T explains the activity? T gives out the True-False HO. Ss have 10 minutes to answer the questions. ICQ: How many minutes do you have? How many questions do you have? Are you working alone or with someone? Ss are put into pairs and told to check their answers with each other for 1 minute T will go over answers with WC, asking why as she goes along. T will provide feedback if necessary.
T will give out different colored paper to each student. There will be 4 groups in total (5 different colors of paper). Everyone will sit with their color. 2 groups will make list of all the ways TV is good for you. 2 groups will make list of all the ways TV is bad for for you. After 3 minutes. ss will find a pair from a different group to discuss what they have come up with. After 3 minutes, ss will change partners again B<---->G l l P<---->R T will monitor for delayed error correction.