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Present simple Wh- Questions
Beginner/A1 level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the basic usage of Wh-questions in present simple form through some matching, fill in the blanks and making questions activities in which they work as a WC, seperated into 4 groups. This lesson starts with a matching task to find the right Wh- question for the pictures. This is followed by PW activity on HO to test Ss whether they comprehend the meanings of wh- questions or not. Then, T elicits a few questions on the WB via PPT in order to present the difference clearly. Finally, Ss prepeares and asks Wh- questions to all the English Ts in the class, take notes of their answers. Ss report back to the class.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the basic Wh- questions form in the context of free time activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy by asking Ss to prepeare some wh- questions to ask their teachers and they write sentences about what they learnt about their teachers.


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To check the Ss understanding the meaning of the basic wh- questions

To start the lesson T needs to check that Ss understand the meaning of who/what/where/when and how much/how old. T prepeares the WB before the lesson on the left side there is the wh- questions and on the right side some pictures for the answers for these questions, like a book, Bursa, T and her husband, age, money. T has Ss match them on WB, choosing the stronger students.

Functional Language (10 minutes) • To move on with the exercise within the context of the last lesson (Free Time)

T moves on with the first HO, straight into the dialogue activity in which they complete the blanks with "how much, when, where, who and what" in the context of free time. T makes a link back to help Ss to comprehend the context via saying together with miming "I ride a bike in my free time." and then asks a stronger S "What do you do in your free time?" Then T explains Ss by showing on HO that the dialogue is about free time activities. PW and peer check and one S become A and the another B, T and WC check the answers.

Language Focus (12 minutes) • To elicit the differences of form in the wh- question

-T elicits some questions on WB via PPT and help Ss understand the form of the questions by presenting every stage clearly via CCQ. -T gives HO2, have Ss work on it in pairs, check the answers.

Pronunciation (5 minutes) • To have WC practice the pron of the questions forms

T helps Ss with the pron of the questions with an entertaining activity of saying them quietly and loudly via miming (T writes quietly & loudly on WB's right Vocab side).

Final Production/ Grammar & Speaking (10-12 minutes) • To encaurage Ss produce their own wh- questions and use them for a purpose

T gets Ss use the questions as a speaking activity. T seperates the WC into four groups, gives the HO3 to each group. Each English teacher for each group. Ss take notes on which questions they prefer to ask to that teacher. Then they write the answers of the teacher on the same HO.

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