Erick Estrada Erick Estrada

TP6 Functional Language
pre-intermediate level


This text based lesson is to provide and revise functional language to discuss ambitions and achievements.


Main Aims

  • To provide SS clarification and practice of functional language for conversations in the context of ambitions and achievements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide SS review practice of language used for functional language in the context of ambitions and achievements.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of ambitions and achievements.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T welcomes SS to the lesson and thanks everyone for being present. T shows SS a picture of a man in front of an airplane T asks SS "what is something you want to do in life?" T Opens Whiteboard and writes the word ambition, achievement, and dream on the board T Asks SS to match the word to the definition provided T asks CCQ's "If I am ambitious, do i like to work?" "Should I be proud of an achievement?" "If I say 'my dream is to have a big house' do I have a big house now?" If I am ambitious I_____ T elicits top-down processing by asking SS to predict what today's lesson will be about OCFB

Exposure (4-7 minutes) • To provide SS gist task and highlight useful words and phrases

T gets SS attention "Okay.." T tells SS they will listen to three audios. (3minutes) T tells SS to find out which picture belongs with each person T tells SS they will have 1 minute after the audios play to complete the task T tells SS when done to raise hand so T can pair SS and they can compare answers as other SS finish T gives SS 2 minutes to discuss Sets BOR to -1 minute so BOR room closes on time T asks SS ICQs "how much time do you have?" (1mintue) "will you work alone or in pairs?" (First alone, then in pairs) OCFB if necessary

Language Preparation (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T sends Google form via messenger to SS T models first question so SS know what to do T tells ss to complete form individually T tells SS they will compare answers PW in BOR T gives SS 5 minutes to finish form and compare with partner T asks ICQs "will you complete the form alone or with your partner?" (alone)" what will you do once you are finished?" (compare with partner) " how much time do you have ?" (5minutes) T sends SS To BOR T sets BOR to -1minute so BOR closes on time T monitors OCFB

Language Speaking Practice (15-18 minutes) • To provide students with Speaking practice of the target language

T tells SS " so you have listed one ambition on the task form... I'd like you to come up with three more ambitions/dreams/achievements that you have in your life. these can be connected to...." T writes things that ambitions can be connected to " jobs/school, places you'd like to visit, something you'd like to own, marriage/children etc." T tells SS they will have 5 minutes to discuss in pw via bor T tell ss once time is up they will be switched partners and they will discuss two questions T asks ICQs How much time do you have ?(5mins) -1 min "after the 5 minutes what will you do?" (switch partners ) T sends SS to BOR sets time for 10mins T tracks time and sends broadcast when 1 minute remains T swaps SS in BOR T broadcasts "discussion questions are in the chat. 5mintues" Tbroadcasts 1 minute warning T- will send the question via chat" who has the most interesting/unusual ambition?, "who has the same ambition?" T monitors T clarifies instructions if necessary

Content and Language Feedback (6-8 minutes) • To inform SS how they did in content and language.

OCFB DEC T tells SS we had a great session discussion all of our ambitions, thanks SS and closes session

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