Folktales and Storytelling
Intermediate level

Main Aims
At first, Ss are going to scan the text to choose the best title and then read to find some specific information.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of the words Ss are going to need during the lesson.
To provide fluency and accuracy when talking about the gist of the folktale and telling a story.
To provide review and practice of the linking words.
Procedure (29-45 minutes)
Teacher is going to number each student from 1 to 6 and then ask each number to sit together in 4. T shows cover photos of Nasreddin Hodja, Layla and Majnun, Dede Korkut books written in English and ask if Ss have traditional heroes and stories in their culture. T is going to ask whether they are a fairy tale or a folktale?
The vocabulary part of this plan includes 5 words: 1) seed 2) to inherit 3) gourd 4) goblin 5) wig. For the first word, T is going to use ECDW technique. First, T will ask this question to elicit: What material do we need to grow plants, vegetables and flowers in our garden? To check the, the question is: Do birds eat it as well? (This is also a CCQ) and then comes drilling. Lastly, T reflects the word and its IPA form to the WB. For the second word which is a verb T will create a context where a woman got all the properties and money of her parents after they died. That's why her sisters and brothers were angry with her. After eliciting, T will ask if this person gained all the money by herself (CCQ). T will drill the word and reflect it and its IPA form to the WB. T will show a picture of gourd without pronouncing and ask if they are familiar with this object. T will question their understanding by asking CCQs like "do you use this to carry oil? or do you use this to carry water?" T then drill the word, reflect it and its IPA form to the WB. For the fourth word T will create a context by using LOTR and Harry Potter movies and ask whether they know the name of the little magical creatures they see in the movie. For the ones who haven't seen T will show a picture and ask if they are real or unreal beings. (CCQ) T will drill the word and reflect it and its IPA form to the WB. To elicit the word the context of the last word will be created like this: Today I wanted to use SHORT AND BLONDE hair just like Gülgün Feyman (famous news reporter) but I have a long hair. What's the way to change my hair colour and style at that moment immediately?... And then T asks if she needs to use a scarf or something different?, if she needs to go to the hairdresser? (CCQ) Then comes the drilling part and lastly the word is reflected with its IPA form to the WB. CCQs: Do birds eat is as well? (Yes) / Did she gain all the money by herself? (No) / Do you use this object to carry oil? (No) Or do you use this to carry water? (Yes) / Are they real beings? (No) / Do I have to go to the hairdresser to change the colour and style of my hair if I have this item? (No)
Ss first read the three possible titles and then the text quickly. After that, they will say the possible title aloud. (For reading time limit: 2 min.)
To decide which of the characters did what, in the exercise 2 of reading section, Ss need to read in detail to find the specific information. Towards the end of the exercise T will reflect the answers as a FB through using powerpoint presentation. (Time limit: 5 min.)
With the Exercise 3 of reading section, Ss will discuss the gist of the text, the lesson that text teaches.
T will show the particular linking words (and - so - when - but) on the board and ask students if they know what they are and on what purpose they are used. Then T will show some examples taken from the reading text. After that with the help of the Exercise 1 of the writing part, T will ask Ss to circle the linking words they see. As an ICQ, she The answers will be on the board at the end of the exercise as FB. (time limit: 3 min) ICQ: T will use her fingers to demonstrate the instruction of "CIRCLE" and "3 MIN."
T will ask students to work in pairs and use her hand gestures to clarify the this instruction. Ss are going to do the exercise 2 of the writing section which is linking given sentences with the singing word in the parentheses. At the end, each pair will exchange their answers for peer-check FB. (Time limit for linking the sentences: 4 min.) ICQ: Hand gestures
Ss will work in pairs and as there are 6 tables, so 6 groups consisting of 4 ppl each, there will be 2 sets of pictures on each table (each set includes 6 pics describing an event) so that Ss can work in pairs to put the pictures in order (For the kinesthetic learners this would be a good exercise.) Then they will check with the other pair sitting together with them. If there is enough time left T will ask each table to send one person to the WB with the relevant picture to create the order of sequencing events and tell the class what happens in their picture. If not, T will reflect the order of events using the A,B,C,D letters each picture has.