Reihan Reihan

shopping for clothes
Starters level


in this lesson, s will be exposed to the context of clothes and shopping with a warm lead-in. T will show a series of pictures and have them drill the vocabs. Then they will match the pic with the nouns on their groups. As an extention activity, T will stick th e words on the whiteboar and then s in their groups match them with the pictures. Afterwards, They will be exposed to the language model, say how much is the skirt? before that, T will elicit the form and do the back-chain. In the end, they will do the class mingle activity practicing say, how mush is this shirt?


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Main Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for ss to practice vocab in a vareity of interaction pattern

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a sort of practice of simple language model in the context of clothes


Lead-in (2-5 minutes) • to engage ss in the topic and to liven the ambience

before doing anything,T will put pic of a cloth shop on the WB and tries ss to guess the general word, clothes. T will have them drill

pre-listening (5-10 minutes) • to prepare ss for the listening task

T will show students the pics in the book- still T wont give the HOs- to do the trick of ECDW plus focus on the stress. T do this stage very slowly and have them drill in their groups. Afterwards, T will give them pics to match the pics with nouns in their groups.

Listening for details (5-10 minutes) • to practice the nouns they have learned

T asks s to listen to write the nouns for each pic. Then, ss will have checking in their groups and WB. T must proceed slowly.

post listening • to provide more chance to practice the grammar of singular and plural in the context of clothes

T will show the pics of jeans and trousers and try to elicit the which one are plural and which ones are singular. Afterwards, T writes singular and plural and sticks paper below their related columns. Afterwards T will ask ss to stick the papers on the WB below the related column.

grammer activity (5-10 minutes) • to provide an opportunity to practice the syntax of how much in the context of clothes

T mimes with a picture to elicit how much is skirt and put in the singular column and T will do the same for trousers and put it below the plural column. T will have s drill them. T practice more pics on the whiteboard but he just elicits and drill.

Mingle class activity • to provide more chance to practice the grammar of singular and plural in the context of grammar

T will give ss HOs and ask them to practice the lexical chunks in their pairs in question-answer activity. Then T will check by choosing some ss.

Extension (5-10 minutes) • to perpare ss for the two lexis, cheap and expensive in the context of clothes

T will elicit the lexis by displaying two pic to show a sort of contrast. T will do it several time and elicit it. Then T will go to a larger lexis of cheap suit or expensive trousers. S will drill. T will give s HOs and they will stick pics on the WB to make the lexical chunk, how much is a cheap suit.

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