Stefani Terziyan Stefani Terziyan

Teaching Practice 2
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will learn about some terms related to newspapers. It will start with a discussion of newspapers and True/False HO. The class will be heavily student centered. Ss will be given 4 sub-headings to come up with related words. Ss will be given 9 words and they will try to explain the meanings to each other in pairs. After that, individually Ss will match those words with definitions in the new HO. They will check their answers with their partners. Ss will gist read a new HO of a gap-fill text to find answers to two questions. In pairs they will check their answers. In groups of 3 they will fill the gaps. Lastly, Ss will be given a HO with questions on them to open a discussion in groups of 5.


Abc Vacabulary Match
Abc Did You Know?
Abc Discussion Questions
Abc True/False
Abc Newspapers
Abc Mind Bubbles
Abc Vocabulary
Abc Gap-Fill Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Newspaper words in the context of article, circulation, daily, feature, right-wing, headline, journalist, news coverage, quality newspaper in controlled, semi-controlled and freer practice in the TL.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for explaining meaning in the context of Ss interactions.


Lead In (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context of the newspaper and get Ss thinking of vocab

On board there are pictures of newspapers front pages to lead Ss in to the topic. T:What do you guys see on the board? Are you familiar with any of these newspapers? Where are they from? Do you know anything else about them? T: Hand out True/False HO to get the Ss think about LM Ss: in pairs try to guess whether the statements are true or false. T: Hand out 'Did you know?' HO Ss: Check answers with partners T: W/c FB

Focus on vocab (7-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target vocabulary through practice

T: provide 4 sub-headings of newspapers and do a mind map on board with ''newspaper'' in the center. ''People who work on newspapers'', ''Things in newspapers'', ''Sections of newspapers'' and ''words to describe newspapers'' are the sub-headings. Ss: 4 groups (possibly of 2 Ss) try to come up with words related to their sub-headings. Ss: will write their answers on WB when they are finished. After every group has put their answer on board, there will be a whole class feedback.

Focus on Vocab- meaning (11-13 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through meaning

Ss: Switch pairs with changing one S's sitting. T: Chesting 9 words, than hand out Ss: In pairs discuss the words. T: Hand out matching HO Ss: Individually try to match the word with the definition. Ss: Check with partners. The one finish earlier will write on the WB T: ''Except daily these word are all what? Verb? Adjective? Noun? Yes, they are all nouns. So if daily isn’t a noun, it’s ….? Yes, it is an adjective. Daily workout, daily routine'' T: Chesting Gap-Fill text Ss: Individually gist read for two questions. Ss: In pairs check their answers. Ss: Groups of 3 fill in the gaps in the text. first to finish start to write on WB

Discussion (9-13 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students in free practice

Ss: In 2 groups (Reds and Greens) T: Hand out discussion HO Ss: ask each other the questions on the HO Ss: share what they discussed in their groups for FB If time: More than one If no time: One representative from each group

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