Assessed TP 3
Upper Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification of some expressions about two opposite feelings which are certainity and uncertainity.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide the knowledge of further vocabulary and expressions regarding the two feelings, certainity and uncertainity with a grammar activity. To raise their awaresness of these expressions with a speaking activity.
Procedure (28-44 minutes)
-Get Ss look at four pictures of "uncertain face expressions". -Expect them to find the opposite feeling of "uncertain". -When they find the two feelings, certainity & uncertainity, ask them "What comes to your mind about these two feelings? When do we feel certain and uncertain? How can you understand that a person is certain or uncertain?" Then, let them discuss these questions with their partners. -Divide the board into two parts and write the words, expressions that Ss find and discuss them together.
-Make the Ss pairs again and give them a box of words which is the exercise of the coursebook. -Let them discuss the words for a minute and then expect them to match the words with the title of "certainity" or "uncertainity". -If the words in the box are already on the board (as a result of the discussion in the lead-in part), write them with the red boardmarker so that they can realize. -While they are telling the words, ask them different questions to make sure that they know the words in the box. (eg. How do you understand that a person is convinced?, What is the difference between doubtful and doubtless?, Does "have reservation" have the same meaning with "make a reservation" ? )
-Write an example sentence on the board "Galileo is certainly a symbol for intellectual freedom (without question)." Expect them to rewrite this sentence. -Tell the students that they will do the same exercise. -Then, hang 4 words "unsure, definitely, was convinced, have reservations" on the wall and tell Ss that each of them will get a sentence with an underlined word or two words. They should pick up the write word for their underlined section and rewrite the sentence on the board quickly. This is the exercise of the coursebook. -At the end we will have 4 winners because there are only 4 sentences. -After Ss write all the sentences on the board, discuss them together and askt if they know the meanings well. -Then make them pairs again. This time, they have to write their own sentences by using these expressions.
-Before giving the HO from the WB, make them pairs and tell them what to do and give the papers. -They will fill in the blanks with the phrases that they have discussed in the previous activity. -When they are finished, Ss will check their answer from the answer key.
-According to the number of the Ss, make groups or pairs for this activity. -First make an example with one of the Ss. Ask him/her "Have you ever been to Italy?" but first tell that they have to say "yes" to all the questions even if they are not true. Then ask other questions and in the end try to guess if it is a lie or truth. -Show Ss the question cards and tell that they will do the same thing but they have to ask as many Ss as possible so they can stand up and walk around the class. -After giving each student his/her questions card, give them a minute to think about other questions. -When they finish asking, one by one ask the answers of the Ss. Ask them "who lied/told the truth? Are there any good liars in the class? Are you convinced with what your friend has told?" -Make a discussion and tell them to use the words, phrases they have learnt.