Aylin Sofu Aylin Sofu

TP2 - Personal Possessions
Beginners (A1) level


In this lesson, students will learn the names of some personal possessions often found in a backpack or purse (those items usually kept on or near the person for accessibility) as well as the most frequently used basic prepositions. They will put these two newly acquired sets of vocabulary together to make sentences describing locations of personal possessions in given situations.


Main Aims

  • To present and practice prepositions of place to describe the location of objects

Subsidiary Aims

  • To present and practice vocabulary to describe personal possessions.


Lead-in (5 minutes) • to introduce the concept of personal possessions.

T uses realia brought into the classroom from outside (sunglasses, jacket, wallet, bag, keys, mobile phone, a photograph, an ID card, money, an umbrella) and one by one pulls them out of the bag, eliciting Ss identification of the items. T asks CCQs about the vocab items. T-S drilling of vocabulary names.

Vocabulary (2 minutes) • to solidify Ss understanding of vocab and prepare students for listening activity #1.

T writes the names of the items up on the board. T then hands out pictures of personal possessions to Ss. Ss will then get up and stick the pictures underneath the object names written on the board.

Grammar (10 minutes) • to familiarize Ss to prepositions and using them in conjunction with personal possession.

T puts certain realia items around the room. (e.g. jacket crumpled up on the seat of a chair. Photograph behind the chair. Sunglasses in a bag. Keys in a bag. ID card in the wallet. Money in the wallet. Bag next to the table. Umbrella under the chair.) They will stay there. T writes on the WB: "Where is my ____________?" and "Where are my __________s?" Then goes on to use the realia around the room to fill in these sentences. T does this several times with Ss filling in the blanks and the T answering. (E.g. Student asks, "where is my mobile phone?" and teacher answers "It's on the table.") Teacher hands out the cat preposition paper slip (HO#1) T then switches the Q&A format and starts asking the Ss: "Where is/are the ______?" As Ss answer using the HO#1 as a guide, T writes on the board in correct format, underlining the important sentence-building components.

Controlled Practice (7 minutes) • for Ss to get some hands-on practice with the grammar learned

T does an example through demonstration of a jumbled sentence before giving Ss HO#2 to work on in PW. WCFB on WB, T calls on S after groups have finished to write the correct sentence on the board.

Practice (10 minutes) • To further practice the grammar and new vocabulary to achieve the intended target language for the lesson

T moves the realia around the room. Explains through demonstration that the Ss will write 5 sentences about the location of the personal possessions in relation to each other in the room. T hands out HO#3. PW. FB through T calling on individual students to submit one of their answers and come write it on the board.

If Time- Activity (10 minutes) • For students to gain confidence and put their skills to use through a competitive-based memory preposition and grammar game.

Students will work in teams of 4 in a competition game. T will explain instructions and then give HO#4, one to each team. The Ss will have 2 minutes to look and memorize the details of the picture. After 2 minutes, T will take the pictures back and give each team chances to make sentences regarding the image (e.g. the wallet is in the bag.) 1 correct sentence equals 1 point. The team with the most points at the end of 3 turns each wins.

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