Tetiana Polishchuk Tetiana Polishchuk

Family and Friends
Elementary level level


In this lesson the ss will work on listening and speaking through functional language about showing the interest. At the lead-in part I am going to motivate ss to speak about their families, themselves, friends and cities. They will cut ups with questions/answers, and will have to go on speaking about mentioned topics. At the listening for the gist part they are going to match pictures with conversations. Next, listening for details is focused on finding more detailed information. At the speaking part the learners will work with functional exponents about showing interest in real life conversation.


Abc Handout #1
Abc Handout #2
Abc Handout #4
Abc Worksheet on the board
Abc Handout #3

Main Aims

  • Listening to people tho show interest in order to get more information

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking through showing interest about people` s lives


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • Prepare student for listening part by repeating some vocabulary and questions about personal information, family and city.

Before the lesson write down family member, friend, your town, you on the board. Ask ss what they have learnt on the previous lessons. They may answer that they`v learnt about their nationalities, countries, family and friends. Then group ss. Tell ss that you are going to give them cut ups. First group will get questions and second answers. Ask first group to find a partner from another group which has the answer to his/her question. Tell them to stay with their partners when they have found answers. Demo if needed. Next, tell them to look at the board. They will see those 4 words. Tell them if your question is about you, ask more questions about each other, if your question is about your friend ask more questions about your friend, if the question is about ur family member ask more questions about your family and if it is about your town ask more about your town. Tell them that they have 3 minutes.

Pre-Listening (4-6 minutes) • Prepare students for the listening part, elicit possible vocabulary that they may hear

Show ss 4 pictures of people in different places with different people. Ask ss 'What is happening on picture a.' 'What do you think they are talking about?' 'Where are they?' 'Who are they?' And so on with the other 3 pictures.

Listening for gist (4-5 minutes) • To make students get the general idea about the conversations that are going to hear, repeat vocabulary

Tell ss that you are going to play the recording of 4 conversations. Ss will need to match each conversation with each picture. You will play only once.Ask ICQS: 'How many conversations are we going to listen to? 4 'How many times will I play?' Once 'What do we need to do with pictures?' We need to match them. Then ask ss to check with their partners. Write down the answers on the board and ask them if it is the same.

Listening for details (8-10 minutes) • To give students more challenging task, get students check if they understand some specific information

After listening first time, tell ss that they are going to listen to the same recording again. Ask them to unfold their handouts . There are five sentences and they need to choose the correct answer. Ask ICQs: 'How many sentences are there?' 5 Do you need to choose only 1 correct answer?' Yes Play the recording again if needed. Ask ss to check their answers which will be stuck on the door. After that group ss into 4 teams. They will have handouts with words on them. They will need to make exactly the same questions from conversations. ask ICQs: 'Do we need to make questions?' Yes 'Are they the same with the conversations?' Yes Questions must look like this: What is Alan like? How is the new job? What part of Romania? When is his birthday? When ss finish ask them to show you the handouts. Other groups check and say if they are correct. If needed check answers by playing the recording again.

Speaking though functional language about showing interest (10-15 minutes) • Elicit the meaning and form of questions that show interest, freer practice of functional language

Ask ss to look at the board. There will be an exercise where they will need to fill in the gaps with questions. Then ask ss what are the responses? What they mean? If they do not get the point ssk ss to look at you. Tell them them what it means? You are going to make a surprised face while nodding your head. Use your hands to show like you are asking something and pull your head ahead like you are interested in something. Ss may answer that you are showing a surprise and interest. Then show ss the responses and ask them where is surprise? Then model it for them. Ask CCQs: Does it show that you are not interested or surprised? No Do you ask one or more questions? Yes Show them how we form it from the exercise. We repeat the last few words from the previous sentence and ask related questions. Then drill with the ss and put stress where needed. After that tell ss to look at the board again. Ss will work in pairs. There will be written down: Friends, family, you, your town. They should ask each other questions according to the topics with showing their interest. You can demo before the activity.

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