Bilgen Cesmecioglu Bilgen Cesmecioglu

Compound Nouns
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, I am going to both introduce some new vocabulary and revise the previous learnt ones as in compound nouns. The Ss are going to think about some words that can be put together to make new words. Mainly, I will be talking about the general overall view of the compound nouns. Later on, the Ss will have to think and discuss the ones they can come up with. Students will also be introduced to some vocabulary through picture matching and also, with the previous lesson of reading and the text that was used in the reading will be used to notice the TL. At the end of the lesson, I aim to have a pyramid discussion with the Ss in the topic of what to take with themselves when they go walking the Inca Trail (previously mentioned in the reading text) to Machu Picchu.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce some vocabulary of compound nouns in the context of travelling.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of how to make up compound nouns in the context of travelling


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in compound nouns

T gives Ss a set of compound nouns so they can group them in two. The T doesn't tell Ss the groups (adj+n/n+n) but simply draws a line on the WB and tells Ss to go up to the board and list the words with their pairs. Each pair gets 2 compound nouns. The Ss go and stick the words in the box they think is suitable. When the Ss finish sticking the T tries to elicit 'compound nouns' (Problem - The Ss may not be familiar with the terminology. Solution - The T can give the terminology, but the T should try to elicit at least something similar to 'two words together'.

Highlighting (6-8 minutes) • To draw the Ss attention to the TL. / To have the Ss notice the TL

The T tells the Ss, who are familiar with the text from the previous lesson, to underline the compound nouns they can find in the reading individually. The T might make it a little bit of challenging by putting a minimum limit of words (15 words). The Ss check their answers with their pairs. While they are checking the answers as the T monitors the Ss, the T leaves a board marker on each table so that the Ss can go up to the WB and actually underline the words they could come up with.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the compound nouns

The T explains the meaning of the compound nouns change but the second noun in the compound nouns do have the main meaning. The compound nouns can be -adj + noun (mobile phone) -noun + noun (video camera) T asks Ss how to write two words, together, separated or with hyphen. Ss discuss in two. T tells it was actually a tricky question. There is no specific rule for it, so the Ssneed to use dictionary.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T tells Ss to name the pictures they can see. (Ss may or not come up with the correct answers - at this point it is not very important to correct the mistakes immediately.) Then the T tells Ss to work in pairs. T adds, that the Ss have to match a word from column A and B to match the pictures that they have talked about. The Ss as pairs match the words and pictures together to form new words.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further about compound nouns

The T tells Ss that they are going to walk the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. The Ss will have a pyramid discussion: The stages of the pyramid discussion is as follows: 1- T tells students to think and write 6 objects to take with them from the previous learnt vocab and why they choose those objects. 2- After 2 minutes Ss stand up and find themselves a pair. Ss tell each other which objects they have chosen and why. They have to compromise on 6 items mutually. 3- When all pairs have their 'ideas' ready, T tells Ss to form a group and discuss the subject matter (which objects to take and why) there and reach to a compromise as well. 4- Ss go back to their chair and T asks Ss their groups' ideas about what and why to take.

Back-up (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more compound noun activities

T shows some words on the WB, and tells Ss to come up with as many words as possible. The words are; office, park, water,party,bottle, mineral, post, car,company,bank, card, birthday, man.

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