waseem khan waseem khan

Muhammad Waseem - TP Lesson 1: Family Vocabulary
Elementary level


In this lesson the students will revise the use of have/has got to express personal belongings and will also learn and practice using family vocabulary.


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Pictures of a Family

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of family words in the context of sharing information about their families.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable learners to read simple texts, listen and correct mistakes and speak about their families and possessions.


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • building rapport

I will introduce myself using the structure "Hello, my name is Waseem and I am your English teacher." Then I will revise the topic they have already covered before, by asking them to tell me about the things they have got.

Eliciting or Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To build up connection between the knowledge learners already have and the new vocabulary

The students will be divided into four groups of 5, and will be asked to guess the word for a family member. The blanks for the letters will be written on the WB. The group with more correct words will be the winner.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To introduce learners to the extended range of family vocabulary

Using the picture of the Robinsons on the board extended range of family vocabulary will be taught to the learners. It includes father, mother, grandparents, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandchildren, informal words like mum and dad etc.

Practıce ın Pronuncıatıon (3-5 minutes) • To enable learners to pronounce the famıly words correctly

Prınted family words wıll be dısplayed on the WB and the students wıll be asked to repeat the words correctly after the teacher.

Practice1 Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide learners a chance to use vocabulary in context

The students will be given handouts to fill in the gaps in pairs, looking at the pictures of the family. The students will read short introduction passages and do the gap-fill exercise.

Practice in listening (5-7 minutes) • To make students check their answers by listening to the audio tracks (R2.5)

Audio tapes R2.5 will be played so that the students could listen and check their answers to gap-fill exercises.

Practice in speaking and writing (6-8 minutes) • To reinforce the use of family vocabulary

The students will be given a blank family tree. They will ask question to the teacher and will fill in the blanks.

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