hazem hazem

Talking about your childhood habits using 'used to'
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice the forms of ‘used to’ through a number of tasks. The lesson starts with eliciting the positive, negative, and interrogative forms of ‘used to’. This is followed by two practice tasks on 'used to'. Next, students make questions about childhood and ask other students. Finally, students correct wrong sentences.


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Main Aims

  • To practice 'used to' to talk about things you did regularly as a child

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking accurately and fluently


Controlled and less-controlled practice on 'used to' (10-12 minutes) • To review the forms of 'used to' and make sure that sts can write sentences using 'used to'.

T draws three lines on the board. Each line has a number of gaps equal to the number of words needed to make a positive, a negative, and an interrogative sentence with 'used to'. T elicits the forms of 'used to'. (T can write, "+ ___ used to ___" if he/she expects the sts not to understand what these gaps resemble.) T distributes handouts containing a semi-controlled practice task on the forms of 'used to'. Sts complete the task then check in pairs. T displays the answers on the WB. T displays a picture of a man on the board and asks sts about how he was then. T elicits some sentences from sts. T distributes handouts. Sts complete the exercise individually. Sts check in pairs. T displays the answer key on the WB. NB: This lesson is a continuation of a previous lesson, and it is not independent. Therefore, it is to be looked at as "the practice stage."

Schools in Turkey (now vs. in the past) (5-7 minutes) • To practice speaking about how Turkish schools used to be.

T writes on the board, "Are schools in Turkey the same as in the past, or have they changed?" T asks sts to make notes using their own ideas or the ideas in speaking exercise 1 p19. Sts complete the task. T tries to pair an older st with a younger st if possible. T asks sts to discuss their ideas in pairs.

Activities we used to do as children (3-5 minutes) • To brainstorm activities people used to do as children

T draws a balloon on the WB with "childhood" in th middle of it. T displays pictures of activities people used to do as children and elicits the names of the activities from the sts. If sts keep giving examples about school, T encourages them to talk about activities outside of the school. T writes the activities on the WB and leaves them for the following stage

Talking more about your childhoold (15-17 minutes) • To offer freer practice by asking questions about activities people used to do as children

T displays a comic picture of himself as a child and invites questions from the sts. T answers some questions. Then asks sts to write 7 questions. To monitors and checks. T asks sts to stand up and ask the questions they have written to different sts in the classroom. After they have finished, sts sit down and share what they have learned about other sts with a partner.

Error Analysis (3-5 minutes) • To analyse and correct common mistakes made in sentences containing 'used to'

T writes an incorrect sentence containing 'used to' on the board and asks sts to tell him what is wrong with that sentence. T distributes a HO with some incorrect sentences. Sts work individually then check in pairs. T displays the answers on the board.

Wrap-up (2-3 minutes) • To review what students have practiced in the lesson

T asks sts to remind him of what they have covered in this lesson.

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