Functional Language
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for invitations and suggestions.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide semi-controlled speaking practice to develop their spoken accuracy through using invitations and suggestions in dialogues.
Procedure (28-48 minutes)
From this stage, my aim is to find out whether or not students are familiar with the vocabulary "invitation" and "suggestion". Which activity I do will depend on whether or not I pick up from the previous lesson with Gokberk if they are familiar with the vocab or not. If they are, I intend to start the lesson with back to the board. I will ask a student to come to the front of the class and sit on a chair where their back is facing the board. Then I will write a simple example on the board to get the ball rolling and so students understand how to play. My example will be 'shoe'. I will tell students that Student A cannot see this word and they have to explain it to him through definition, elicitation or pointing, but they cannot say the word. Then I will ask 2 other students to come up to the chair to do the same with invitation and suggestion. If students are not familiar with the words, which I will be able to understand from Gokberk's lesson, I will play a simpler game. I will split the class into 2 teams by dividing them in half, team A and B. Most students seem to understand hangman so I will start by drawing 10 _'s on the WB. I will then ask them for a letter one team at a time. Then once the game has finished we can discuss the vocab on the board. I will ask CCQs to prompt students to give me examples and definitions.
I will explain that students are learning how to invite someone to do something today and how to make a suggestion to somebody. Through chesting I will show them the listening activity and explain that it is from Gokberks lesson. I will say that in the conversations people are suggesting and inviting their friends and acquaintances. I will ask students to colour in the invitations and suggestions in one colour and the responses in another. I will start by giving an example on the board. I will use different coloured board pens to highlight the difference between Q and A. Then I will go over answers with the whole class. While going over answers I will write key vocab on the right hand side of the WB when students have said it. I will also add key vocab at the end such as: -Lets -How about we... -unfortunately I can't... - I'd love to -I would rather... -I'm afraid I can't Then we will move onto exercise 2. I will ask students to fill in the correct verb form individually. I will give them around 3 minutes to do this. WCFB. Then I will pair students up and ask them to have a conversation from this dialogue. Student A will start and then student B will continue. I will make it clear that they are working with the person next to them. They will have 5 minutes to do this exercise.
I will start by introducing this activity through chesting the worksheet. I will explain that Chris like Carla and he wants to go out with her on a date. He's a little bit shy so his sister gives him some advice and tips. They forgot to put the verbs in the sentences so we should do it for them. Students who are letter A will be Lisa and B students will be Carl, then they should help eachother with the correct answer through back to back. I will demonstrate with a student and then ask students to do the same in pairs, then I will give them the worksheet.
Start this lesson with drilling, 'd'you wanna', 'how 'bout' 'why don't ya' I will ask students to work in pairs. I will tell half of the students they are students A and the other half that they are students B. This activity I will introduce with a demo. I will ask one student who is confident in speaking to join me in front of the whole group and give them 2 cards with yes and no. I will also have 2 cards, one with a place and one with a time. I will firstly make a invitation and then ask the student to answer with a full sentence and if no, give a reason. Then I will give a suggestion and ask the student to answer that again with the card they choose. I will give students A 2 pieces of paper facing down on the table, one with a place one with a invitation or suggestion phrase. A students will pick a card and start the conversation, then B students will pick the card up and give a full response. Two pairs can do a small presentation in front of the class.