Karime Peña Karime Peña

5 PLUS level




Abc Tier List
Abc Sheet of paper
Abc Handout
Abc Google Slides
Abc Kahoot
Abc Bamboozle
Abc Big English 5 Plus
Abc Jamboard
Abc Poster
Abc Word search
Abc Youtube Video

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in the context of the world in the future
  • To provide clarification and review of the future tense

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading for gist and detail practice in the context of the world in the future
  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about the world in the future


Warmer/Lead-in (50-60 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets students. The teacher takes attendance. The teacher presents a Bamboozle review. Students get into 2 teams and compete to see who can answer the most grammatical items seen throughout the semester. The teacher presents a series of handouts for students to review the Future Simple. Students work in pairs and then answer on the board.

My Future Self (30-45 minutes) • To set students into the grammatical item of the lesson in an interactive way

The teacher gives students a handout with their names on it. Students will make predictions about their classmates' futures. What will they be? Where will they live? Once students finish they share it and ask: Will you be _____ in the future? / Will you live in ________ in the future? The teacher gives students another handout on which they have to draw themselves. Students need to imagine their future selves and write about what their lives will be like.

SB. 104, 105 (15-20 minutes) • To review the unit

Students do activity 38. from page 104 of the SB. Students discuss which of the inventions are going to be a thing in the future and which ones are not. 105 Review. 39. Complete the sentences using Future Simple. 40. Write about 2 electronic devices you enjoy now and what you use them for. What do you think is going to replace them in the future? 42. Answer with anyone, everyone, someone, no one.

WB 84, 85 (25-30 minutes) • To read practice grammar

Students read and match. Complete the questions and answers with the words from the box. Unscramble and write questions. Then complete the answers. (THIS IS ON THE BAMBOOZLE) Rewrite the statements as questions. What do you think? Answer questions in 21. Use Yes... will, or No... won't.

Youtube Video / SB. 86, 87 (25-30 minutes) • To set in context

The teacher asks students how many languages are spoken in the World today. Students make predictions. Youtube Video. The teacher asks students why languages become endangered and if they know any language from Mexico that is becoming extinct. Do you think endangered languages are worth preserving? Why? Students read and tick the correct answer. Students read and listen to fill in the words from the box into the text. Students choose T and F based on the text. Unscramble and write the words. Then match.

SB 88, 89 (15-20 minutes) • To practice writing and review the unit

Students review the steps of a diary entry. Students label the parts of the diary. Students look at 27 and circle the correct answers. Use will and won't on page 30. Use nobody and everybody. Answer the questions with your own ideas.

Tomorrow To-Do List (10-15 minutes) • To close the lesson

Students write a to-do list of the things they are doing tomorrow. Example: I will wake up at 10 AM. I will have breakfast. I will go to a restaurant I will go to the park. I will go to my grandma's house.

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