Alev Turhan Alev Turhan

Elementary level


In this part of the lesson, Ss will mainly focus on improving their communicative skills in writing using quantifiers in the context planning a trip.


Abc Coursebook exercise handout
Abc Exercise Handout
Abc Handout
Abc blank paper cuts

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of quantifiers in the context of planning a trip.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a writing practice of accuracy in terms of using quantifiers in the context of planning a trip.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set the context by asking about Ss plans for summer. "Have you got any plans for summer?" or "Are you planning to go to some new places?" Ss will discuss in pairs. Then give w/c feedback.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

Ss will listen a dialogue between Sophie and Rob. They will be given the script with gap-fillings of quantifiers. They will listen and complete the sentences individually. Teacher will be monitoring at this stage. Check with a partner. They will be given the answer key.

Useful Language (8-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Ss will change places at the beginning of this stage. Then they will be given a handout. They will be asked to do the exercise individually. T. will be monitoring during the exercise. They will check with a partner. Give w/c feedback. Write sentences and the answer on the board.

Fast Writing (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will be asked to brainstorm ideas about "what to take for a trip". "Imagine that you are going for a holiday? What would you take with you? Ss will discuss with their partner. Share their ideas with the whole class. T. will be writing the words on the board at the moment. Ss will be asked to put pens down and clear the tables. They will pay attention to the ideas brainstormed on the board. Teacher then will ask "Now, think about how much / how many of these you have in your house?" Ss will have one minute to think about it. Ss will be given instructions for writing. 1- Hold your pens 2- When I say start writing, just start 3- Use words on the board. 4-Dont correct your mistakes, 5- Dont go back. 6. Just write. (T. will demonstrate the activity). Ss wil have 5 minutes to write down what they have in their minds. When finished, Ss will exchange papers. They will check each others writing and correct their mistakes or put a ? if they think there is problem with the sentence. They exchange again. Give them 5 minutes to go back in their piece of writing and correct if necessary. Tell them to keep their papers with them.

Productive task (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills./ checking for accuracy

Ss will be put into groups of 3. They will be given some pieces of blank paper. T. will tell them about her plans for the vacation. (= Teacher has a list of what to take. But confused. Needs advice from Ss on what to take. Refer to their previous activity task, each group will decide and write just one advice on the paper. One by one they will come and Show it to the teacher. If the sentence is correct (correct use of quantifier) the teacher will take the advice. If not, they will go back and try to fix it with their group.) At the end of the activity in a big group of circle Ss will discuss on the "not-taken advice". They will work together to find the mistake in the sentence. Teacher will be monitoring, and helping the group when necessary.

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