melisagunduz melisagunduz

Practice Lesson 7
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn how to make predictions (will) in TL. They will learn how to use will (model verb) to talk about predictions in the future.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of predictions (will) in the context of future events.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation and debate in the context of future events.


warmer/lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show a photo of a fortune teller. Ask Who is she, what does she do, to check & elicit whether the students are familiar with the words; fortune teller, fortune telling, predict, future. Who is she? She is a fortune teller What does she do? She predicts future Then show photos of Turabi, Hasan, Hakan and Merve from the competition Survivor and write on WB " Will Turabi win? Will Hasan be the winner?" (ICQ)Before students' discussion starts make your own prediction as; I think Turabi will win. I think Hasan won't win. Will Hasan win? What do you think? In pairs sts will discuss their personal predictions for the show's winner. This exercise will show who can and cannot use will (modal auxiliary verb) in the context of predictions.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • to check ss' prior knowledge and to provide context for the target grammar through a complete sentence exercise

Sts are asked to complete the sentences with "will and will not" plus the verb in brackets. ICQ- Sts work individually and then check&compare their answers with their pairs. Monitor to check their knowledge on the target grammar & elicit major/main errors. Through WCFB discuss the selected errors.

Highlight / Clarification (5-8 minutes) • to draw ss' attention to the TL and to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL

In this stage teacher flashes back to the previous exercise and selects sentences 5 and 6 for her clarification of the grammatical points she is going to teach. The main target of this stage is to highlight and clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language. CCQs for meaning; are we certain that these will happen in the future? Are we predicting/guessing? This will help the ss to reinforce the meaning of will for predictions in future. For form, teacher must make clear that will is a modal auxiliary verb that shares the same form for all subjects; always goes with the infinitive without to; the negative is with not (n’t); and to make a question, will goes before the subject and the infinitive after the subject. For pronunciation, ss will practice the abbreviated froms “ I will” & “I’ll” “she will” & “she’ll”, “he will not” & “he won’t”. Pick two students from class and ask them to write number 5 and 6 on WB. 5- People will not/ won’t cook, they’ll/ will buy prepared food. 6- People will not/ won’t live in tall buildings, they’ll/will live underground. extra: I will have a job in 2 years. I will be happy forever. Concept check meaning: Are we sure that people will not cook but eat prepared food only? No Are we sure that people will live in undergrounds? No Will I have a job in 2 years? We don't know Will I be happy forever? We don't know.. Focus on form; Make clear that will is a modal auxiliary verb that shares the same form for all subjects; always goes with the infinitive without to; the negative is with not (n’t) People will not/ won’t cook, they’ll/ will buy Subject+ will+ infinitive and to make a question, will goes before the subject and the infinitive after the subject Will people live underground? Will+ subject+ infinitive Focus on pronunciation; I will /aɪ wɪl/ I’ll /aɪl/ You will /juː wɪl/ You’ll /juːl/ She will /ʃiː/ wɪl/ She’ll /ʃiːl/ He will not /hi wɪl nɒt / He won’t /hi wəʊnt/ It will /ɪt wɪl / It’ll /ˈɪtəl/ We will /wi wɪl / We’ll /wiːl/ They will /ðeɪ wɪl / They’ll /ðeɪl/

Semi-Controlled Practice/ Production (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and provide freer practice of the TL and some personalisation

(ICQ) In pairs, sts are asked to write a short story on one of their classmates (max 4 sentences) with “will and will not” and the given options as; Live in a castle, speak perfect English, have a pet tiger, go on holiday every month, get married to a film star, move to moon, live in a zoo Monitor to check their knowledge on the target language & elicit major/ main errors/ correct them on spot then carry them to WCFB. Pick 2 or 3 different stories and share them with class. Through WCFB discuss the selected errors.

Semi-Controlled & Freer Practice/ Production (10-15 minutes) • To concept check further and provide freer practice of the TL and some personalisation

There will be two groups in class as Group A and Group B. (ICQ) Group A will predict the future of the some of their classmates. They will be free to select up to 6 students because they will be asked to make 6 sentences (min&max). Group B will predict the future of the teachers. Since there are only 6 of us, they will be asked to come up with 6 sentences as well. In the end of their task, they will share their predictions with class. Errors will be corrected on spot. If there are continuing major mistakes as for instance, Mitchel will + to infinitive, they will get corrected both on spot and through WCFB.

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