Jesse Karr Jesse Karr

Lesson on 5/8/15
Upper-Intermediate level


A vocabulary lesson focusing on adjectives.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of unspoiled, aggressive, exhausted, priceless, stubborn, picturesque, accurate, easygoing, breathtaking, automatic, waterproof, overcrowded, thrilled, handmade, desolate, spoiled, deserted, long-lasting in the context of people, places and things

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of people, places and things.


Lead-in (1-1 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Instructions: Talk about a beautiful place that you've been to. Work in pairs. You have about 30 seconds. Task: The students will talk in pairs and discuss a beautiful place they've been to. Feedback: WCFB

Teach Vocabulary (15-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will teach the vocabulary words listen in the language analysis below.

Diagnostic Test (3-3 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Instructions: Place the word in the correct category, either people, places or things. Work alone. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: How much time do you have? 3 minutes. Task: Students will place target words from a word bank into the correct category, either people, places, or things. Pair Check: Students will compare answers after completing the task. Feedback: Board Answers

Clarification (5-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and pronunciation of the target language as well as address any issues with understanding

Instructions: In your same pairs, decide if each word is positive or negative. You have two minutes. ICQs: Demonstrate that unspoiled is positive, and spoiled is negative. Task: Students will work in pairs to decide the connotation of the words, positive or negative. Feedback: WCFB

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Instructions: Working in pairs, fill in the gaps for the sentences in exercise 2. You have 5 minutes. ICQs: Demonstrate the first completed sentence. Task: Using the target language, students will fill in the gaps of the sentences given in exercise two. Feedback: WCFB

Free Practice (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instructions: Again, working with your partner, describe a place you've been to or a person you know using the words we've just learned. Use as many of the words as possible. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: How much time do you have? 3 minutes. Task: Students will discuss places they've been to using target language. Feedback: Nominate students

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