Practice Lesson 5
Elementary level

Main Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about a good impression in the context of advice
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of first impressions
To provide clarification of pronunciation of word that end with -e in the context of smile, clothes, face, time, take, fine, phrase, arrive, wine, cake and nice
Procedure (34-46 minutes)
will stick photos for words eye contact, handshake, clothes and body language on the board to elicit some of the main words and the theme of the up coming reading exercise. the photos will be placed on the white board one by one. The order will be as 1-eye contact, 2-handshake, 3-clothes and 4- body language. While eliciting the words, will ask questions as when do we shake a person's hand? Is making eye contact important? Why? When? When the photos are completed, will ask the ss "why do we wear good clothes and try to make eye contact with someone while we speak?" Then, will right on board To make a good (impression). Will leave the impression part as blank to elicit the word.
the ss will do gist reading of the intro of the text to explain the topic of the text. After the quick reading, each student will discuss their ideas in pairs. Then, one student from each pair will tell their thoughts about the text to whole class. The text is about : how to make a good impression when meeting someone for the first time. Will ask the class whether there is an similar expression in Turkish for "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" or not. In pairs for a minute max, students will discuss and then the discussion will be held as a whole class discussion. My aim is to make them match this expression with "adı çıkacağına canı çıksın". I believe this match will make them more eager to use the English expression in a daily conversation outside of class (cultural context).
ss will read the entire text to answer the questions in exercise two as listed below; What are the three Vs? Visual; vocal; verbal. Which Vs are more important? Visual and vocal Who writes about body language? David Hill, Gill Launders, John Wong Who writes about clothes? Bahiya Wasti, Marta Wojick Who writes about men and women? Micheal Dobbs, Marta Wojick ss will answer these questions first individually, then in pairs they will check their answers with their partners. Meanwhile, I will write the numbers from 1 to 5 on white board and ask ss to come up to board and write down the answer through class discussion. To end the detailed reading part, I will ask the ss, individually to thick the sentences that they agree from the text. Thicking the sentences that they agree will prepare the ss for the up coming exercise where they will be asked to design and advice leaflet for people going their first job interviews.
The class will be divided into two groups as the handshake and eye contact groups. At the beginning of this exercise each student will be provided with a folded paper which contains the sign of their groups. The handshake group will be asked to write an advice on what must people going for their first job interview do? The eye contact group will be asked to write advice on what must people going for their first interview not do? They will be asked to write 5 do's and don'ts only.the ss will be asked to use always, never, the worst thing you can do is, to strengthen their conversation skills. During the group discussion, I will be monitoring each group to elicit major errors to fix during the final class discussion of this exercise. The aim of this extra exercise is to escalate the usage of TL through STT with minimum TTT
ss will listen the pronunciation ex.1 which includes the words, make /meɪk/, rice /raɪs/, ate /eɪt/, phone /fəʊn/ and will be asked what's the missing letter. Then, will explain how in English the letter -e at the end of the words is not pronounced. will draw a chart on board divided into 3 sections according to their sounds as /eɪ/, /aɪ/ and, /əʊ/. In pairs, SS will be asked to copy and fill the chart on a paper. Then, ss will listen the pronunciation ex.2 and will repeat each word after the audio. After the repetition the ss will be asked to check their chart one final time. Then, through class discussion the chart on the white board will be completed.