Alev Turhan Alev Turhan

TP-4- Grammar
B1 level


In this part of the lesson, the learners will mainly focus on using the first and second conditionals where they are going to learn how to talk about possibilities in the present and future time.


Abc Coursebook exercise handout
Abc EngUnLtd_Int
Abc Visuals
Abc Grammar point "conditionals"
Abc Matching game

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of first and second conditionals in the context of possible problems and solutions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of problems and solutions


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set a context by asking Ss "What will you do, if you finish this course successfully?". Make them discuss their ideas in pairs. Elicit some ideas regarding the question to see whether they are able to make sentence using IF clause.

Test #1 (5-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Then students will be projected a picture of a man who has no money in his pockets onto the whiteboard. Ask Ss what is the problem there? Why he is unhappy? What does he want to do? After eliciting a few ideas, show them the second slide. Ask the same questions. Elicit some ideas and make them figure out the differences between the two situations. In what way they are the same and in what way different by making Ss discuss in pairs. Ask them to re-define the situations by using IF clause. In pairs make them think how to do it. After eliciting their ideas and sentences about the situations, if you believe they have enough knowledge about the topic, then move on the next topic. If not, wait for making clarification in the coming stages.

Listening/receptive skills (5-6 minutes) • To do the listening for the main idea

Focus learners on the picture on pg. 73 and ask them to predict answers to the questions in ex.1. Then play recording 2.30. After the listening, let Ss exchange ideas in pairs before checking with the class.

Exposure • To make them focus on the grammatical point in the text and analyze sentences.

Focus Ss on five extracts from the conversation in ex.3. In pairs, ask them match the extracts with the two categories. Monitor them during the activity. Check as a class, talking through any problems Ss have with the meaning.

Test for meaning (7-8 minutes) • To check whether they understood the meaning of the grammatical point.

Divide the whiteboard in two parts and write left part A and right part B. Divide the class in Groups A and B. Give the groups sentences beginning with If clause (mixed). Give the mixed MAIN clause parts as well. Ask them match the If clauses with the relevant Main clauses in 5 minutes. Whichever group finishes first and sticks in on the board will be the winner. After both group finishes, stick the answers on the board and compare as a class.

Teach (8-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Focus on the new slide which has the form table of If clause. Make them discuss and complete the sentences according to their meanings. Elicit ideas about the logic in the sentences. Focus on form this time. Ask Ss complete the patterns in pairs, before you elicit and work on the form for both structures on the board.

Pronunciation • To focus Ss on the use of groups of the words and their pronunciations

Write the example sentence on the board in ex.4a. and ask for one S to say the sentence. Ask the Ss the function of the double lines, and why we use groups of words when we speak. Do ex.4b. In pairs, tell Ss to say sentences out loud to each other and to decide together where the sentences divide into groups. Point out that there is not just one correct answer (depens what speaker want to express). Tell them that some divisions are certainly more likely than others. Monitor the class during the exercise and help when needed. Play recording 2.32, so they can check their answers. Pause the recording time to time and make Ss repeat sentences.

Freer practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ask the Ss make a circle together, sitting. Give the instructions. "I will give you one sentence beginning with if clause. The person coming next will complete the sentence. The next person will use the sentence used in the main clause, in the if clause and make up a logical main clause sentence with that. This will go on and on until the story either comes to a natural conclusion or the story does not go any longer. Give them the first sentence. "If he doesnt do his homework,......" Possible dialogues projected: • If he doesn't do his homework, he won't go to the party. • If he doesn't go to the party, he won't meet his future girlfriend. • If he doesn't meet his future girlfriend, he won't be happy. • If he isn't happy, he will become seriously ill. • If he becomes seriously ill, he will go to the hospital. • If he goes to the hospital, he will meet the love of his life! • If he meets the love of his life, he will marry her. • If he marries her, they will have children. • If they have children, they will have a headache. • If they have a headache, they will take an aspirin. • If they take an aspirin and drink alcohol, they will die because of an overdose.

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