Practice Lesson 4
Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about "what shall we do?" in the context of discussing problems and solutions
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of expressions in the context of discussing problems and solutions
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of discussing problems and solutions
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
First hand in each student their group signs for the final group exercise. On the final exercise there will be three different groups; A:Power Cut, B: Locked and C: Dinner. Don't let the ss to see their signs! Tell them to not unfold the papers till you ask!! In pairs, students discuss what the photos on the white board can be about ( photo B is a photo of a flooded washing machine, photo C is a photo of a tap that leaks to connect these two photos to each other add photo A the plumber towards the very end/ try to get the ss tell that you will have to call a plumber to fix the mess) The teacher asks ss from pairs and elicits words that belongs to today's lesson (including the previous lesson with Electra) and writes them on WB. The aim of this exercise is to make the ss remember some words that they have recently learned, in their previous class with Electra, to connect it all with their new class with me.
In pairs, the ss will take a look at the new picture (from SB U-9 p.71) and discuss what they see/ what they think the problem can be (2 minutes) After ending the pair discussion, one student from each pair will tell the whole class what he/she thinks about the picture meanwhile the teacher will continue eliciting and writing related words on the WB will be taking fb through asking questions; i.e.Washing machine/flood: Do you think that their washing machine flooded? the aim of this exercise to make the ss predict the context of the up coming listening exercise.
Teacher writes " What problems do they (Lidia and Ben) have" on the wb. asks ss to do a gist listening simply to get the general idea of the text and to answer the question on board.first in pairs, then as a whole class ss discuss.. Teacher continues eliciting useful information and writing it on the board. Here the aim is to make the ss explain the problem as "the room with the washing machine has flooded, and Ben doesn't have a clean shirt. Lidia's parents are arriving soon." For detailed listening, teacher asks the ss to answer the three questions from SB, U-9, p.71, ex1.b first in pairs, and then, as a whole class. During the Q&A section,between pairs, teacher monitors class, helps the ones that need help. Then, during the whole class Q&A practice, teacher intervenes as it is portrayed below to take fb,check the understanding of ss and to stress on & introduce the targeted expressions that will be studied in the next exercise; What ideas do they have for lunch? "they might go out for lunch" (fb/ do they? no. Why?bcs the washing machine floods/ what are they going to do about the washing machine) What ideas do they have for stopping the flood? "They turn the water off at the mains and decide to call a plumber" (fb/ Have they called a plumber yet?No/ Why? Bcs L's parents arrived while they were considering to call the plumber.. They are going to have to call the plumber.. later) What ideas do they have for Ben's shirt? Lidia suggests Ben to pop out and buy another shirt (fb/ does Ben buy a new shirt? No. Why? he has to stop the flood first)
in pairs, ss do the Ss Bk, U-9.1, p.71, ex. 2 to practice the expressions of; What are we going to do.. what shall we do.. I'll give it a try.. I'll have a go.. We'll have to.. we're going to have to.. after setting the matches in correct order, teacher will make the class practice the pronunciations of these expressions. To check ss' understanding, there will be a handout from the WkBk, U-9, p.45, ex 3. In pairs, ss will do it. Teacher will pick a random pair (the weakest) and make them do a role play and read out the gap fill ex. Mistakes will be corrected during this role play ex.
ask ss to unfold the papers that they received at the beginning of the class. ask ss with candle photo to move to the very right. They are group A: Power Cut ask ss with door photo to move to the middle. They are group B: Locked ask ss with dinner photo to move to the very left. They are group C: Dinner Give each group only one of the situations from Ss Bk, U-9.1, p.71, ex.3a. Ask each group to prepare themselves to explain their problem and solutions to whole class. monitor and intervene if it is needed. During the class presentation of each group, elicit the sentences that use today's expressions; What are we going to do.. what shall we do.. I'll give it a try.. I'll have a go.. We'll have to.. we're going to have to.. Also, elicit wrong sentences and fix them with whole class and try to add today's expressions to as many sentences as you can If there is time, ask ss to tell their own story