Alev Turhan Alev Turhan

TP-3- Speaking Lesson
Intermedite level


In this part of the lesson, the learners will mainly focus on a speaking activity where they are going to learn how to describe objects and make deductions by using modal verbs in the context of lost properties.


Abc Coursebook exercise handout
Abc EngUnLtd_Int
Abc Picture

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in speaking practice by using a text about how to describe objects and making deductions in the context of lost properties

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice in describing objects and making deductions within the context of speaking.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of lost property.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set a context by explaining Ss that I went shopping yesterday. Show Ss different objects that I bought and put them on T's desk, and tell; "Let me show you how much fun I had yesterday. I have many pictures taken. Just let me find my phone first". Go to take my phone out from your bag. Mime, I can not find it. Get a little bit stressed and ask "Have you seen my phone". "It must be somewhere here". "Please tell me if anyone finds it. It is a rectangular, medium-sized grey phone with a blue-flip cover." Then find it under a paper. "Oh, thanks God, I was afraid to lose it. It is very important for me" and ask "Have you ever lost something of your own which is very important to you?". "What is it?" Try to elicit the word "lost property Office by asking "Where can we go if we lose something?"

Exposure/Pre-Listening Discussion (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

Show a picture of a Lost Property Office and ask what kind of things can be found in there. Elicit a couple of ideas. Write the title on the board "Find Something at Lost Property" and ask their ideas about the topic. What are they going to learn for that day. Elicit some ideas and write the goal of the lesson on the board. "Describing Objects". Show pictures on pg.66. Elicit some vocabulary if they have any unknown words in the pictures. Give the right instructions and do ex.2. Let them check their answers in pairs. Take w/c FB.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.

After the listening text, start doing ex.3. in pairs. Then check the answers clarifying the meaning, form and pronunciation in the ex.3 by trying to elicit how the adjectives are formed while describing objects. Write the answers elicited from the whole class/from pairs in its right places given on the whiteboard. E.g. In the q.1; "Small" goes to Size Section; "Brown" goes to Colour Section; "leather" goes to Material Section. Ask what other adjectives do Sts know describing coloru, material and size. (study the opposite forms when needed). Take w/c FB

Production/writing practice (7-8 minutes) • To help them practice language in writing exercise

Change pairs to prepare them for the ex.4a. Give learners time to think of a possession and write a description of it, in a few sentences. Remind them not the say what the possession is. Walk round and help as necessary. Learners listen to each others descriptions and guess what the possessions are. Monitor and help when needed.

Production/Speaking (9-10 minutes) • To use language and to produce accuracy and fluency in speaking in context of role playing.

Set up the role play. Work in A/B groups. Group A will be Lost Property Officer and Group B will be the owner of the lost property. Have them sit facing each other. (Especially Group B facing the whiteboard in order for them to see and use expressions on the board). Tell Ss what they are going to do in ex.5. Give directions. Remind them to use as many expressions as they can on the board. Handout the role play cards. Learners have their conversations. Monitor the group. Help when necessary. Take notes of the errors made during speaking. Take FB by finding out if the lost property office has their possessions. Correct most common errors made during the speaking practice. Learners change roles and have another conversation usind different information. Change places. This time Group A facing the whiteboard. Monitor while learners are talking. Take notes of the common errors.

Error Correction and FB (5-5 minutes) • To make error correction and have FB after speaking practice.

From the notes, clarify some points that you think are not clear for the Ss. Focus on common errors made and correct them writing on the board. Take questions, if there is. Answer them. End the lesson.

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