Rice "Countable and Uncountable Nouns"
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of countable and uncountable nouns in the context Rice.
To provide
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Rice.
Procedure (22-28 minutes)
Give students a story about food and have them work in pairs . Ask them to under line the names of the food . Ask them whether they can count the food or not to elicit countable and uncountable . e.g Can you count eggs? yes. Can you count milk? No to elicit countable and uncountable . students will be re grouped by colors . Students work in pairs and underline the correct answers. Have students check the answers with their partner . Tr. asks . Do we use some with negative or positive ? positive . Do we use we use "some,any" with countable nouns or un countable nouns ? with both. Tr . asks students to work in pairs do the task about how many ? How much? Tr. elicit do we use how many with countable or un countable? countable . Do we use how much with countable or un countable? uncountable . write the questions on the board . Drill the questions chorally and individually . add some different items e.g say apples have them ask how much or how many.
Tr. gives students two pictures and strips of papers with rules and have them match the rules with the pictures. To elicit the rules of countable and un countable nouns. Tr. asks students to check the answer with their partner. Tr. elicits the meaning of countable and un countable. It is refer to separate items can be counted e.g apples. Un countable to the items can't be counted e.g water. Ccqs. can we count water? no . Can I use the indefinite article "a " with un countable noun? No .Why? It doesn't have plural. Tr . Projects the feed back "pp"
Tr. gives students handouts with 4 questions asks them to work in groups ,find the mistake and correct it . Tr. monitor while students doing the activity offer help when needed. Tr asks students to check the answers with their partners..Tr. gives feedback writes the answers on the board.
Tr asks students to work in pairs and asks them to role play " at a restaurant ' Tr. provide students with the menu ,gives them 2 min to prepare for the conversation .Write the question on the board . What would you like to eat or drink? Can I have a cup of coffee please. Tr . monitors , writes down notes about their error ,provides help if needed . Gives the feedback ,writes the mistakes on the board, corrects them with the students.