Teaching Practice 2
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice on countable and uncountable nouns
Subsidiary Aims
To provide speaking practice and to review some vocabulary
Procedure (31-45 minutes)
Teacher puts the students in pairs and ask them to make a list of singular nouns on a piece of paper. The list should contain the name of some fruit and vegetables. When the students are finished they change their sheets and each student tries to write the plural forms in front of the singular ones. After they are done with the task the teacher calls some pairs to the front of the class to read their words loud to the whole class.
The teacher talks about the party she is going to have at her house. She lets the students know there is nothing left in her fridge and she needs to go shopping. she shows the slides to the students and ask them to help her and say what she needs to buy. The teacher reviews some vocabulary through elicitation.
The teacher writes her shopping list on the board and write numbers in front of countable nouns and some in front of uncountable nouns. She explains the difference between the nouns and after she finishes with her list, invites the students for choral repetition. She writes sample sentences according to her list and explains the use of some in affirmative sentences and any in negatives and questions.
Teacher provides instructions for the task before giving the HO1 to the students. students individually underlines the correct words before checking the answers in pairs. Teacher reads out the correct answers to the WC. Teacher puts the students in groups and gives the second HO to them. It is a short conversation. The students should fill the gaps with some or any. after they are finished, teacher selects two students from each group randomly and asks them to say the answers loud.
Teacher shows a slide to the students. That slide contains a picture of a refrigerator. It is supposed to be the teacher's refrigerator. Teacher attracts students attention and try to engage them by eliciting answers to her questions. She makes some sentences and questions with any and some by the help of the students and reviews the correct form and pronunciation.
Teacher explains the task to the students and calls two of them to the front of the class to show the WC what they are actually supposed to do. Student work in pairs to complete this task. there are two separate lists each goes to one students. 10 items are listed and the students should imagine they have some of the items in their refrigerator while some others are missing. They practice in pairs and ask and answer questions with some and any. When they are finished they change their partner and practice again. In the end, the teacher calls 1 or 2 groups to act their conversation out.
Teacher asks students what they learnt and what they talked about. They discuss their answers in groups. after that the teacher conducts WC feedback.