Grammar Practice
Elementary students Book pages 64/65 level
In this lesson students will practice the simple past tense . Students will do different kinds of activities e.g Listen and high light the past tense , ask and answer questions,re-arrange sentences,fill in gaps and write a description of a person they know well.
Gap-fill hand out/ rearange the words to form questions
Gap-fill hand out/ rearange the words to form questions
Main Aims
To provide practice of The Past Simple Tense in the context of Actour! Author
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice
No content
How much detail does a plan need? What are the criteria for whether it is a good plan or not? I think there's one key test as to whether your plan is OK or not: could someone else, who has not talked with you about the lesson, pick up your plan and say 'Ah yes - I see exactly what the teacher intended' and be able to go in a teach your lesson herself? To achieve this, you need a plan that simply and clearly outlines the intended stages - in enough detail to be 'imaginable' by someone else.Jim Scrivener in Learning Teaching
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