Liz Liz

Demo-English Unlimited - U6.1
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, the learners will read an article about a woman who lived on £1 a day for a year. They will also look at linking phrases - if, when, after, whenever, instead of and in case.


Abc EngUnLtd_Int_Wkbk_p29_ex1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of linking phrases - if, when, after, whenever, instead of and in case - in the context of money-saving tips

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about How I lived on £1 a day
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of mon


Warmer/Lead-in (7-7 minutes) • To get to know the Ss' and to set lesson context and engage students

Introduce myself. Ask Ss to introduce themselves. Show Ss different coins - £1, €1, 1TL, etc. - ask Ss how much they could buy with them. Put Ss into small groups and give each group a coin. Ss discuss what they could buy with them. Take w/c FB

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Introduce character from reading - Kath Kelly. Give title of text - How I lived on £1 a day. Ask Ss why they think she decided to do this. Elicit a couple of ideas. Ss in small groups discuss reasons. Give out ex1. Ss read to see if their answers were correct. Ss peer-check. Take w/c FB.

Highlighting (9-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ask Ss to think of ways to save money. Elicit a couple. Ss in pairs/small groups come up with a list (4-5 ideas). Show Ss pictures and "Kath's money saving tips". (ex 2b) Ss work in pairs/small groups to match tips with pictures, and check if their ideas were the same. Ss peer-check with other groups. 1 x S comes to write the answers. Take w/c FB - deal with any questions about the tips/vocab. Ask Ss if they think they are practical.

Clarification (12-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Focus Ss on the linking phrases. Elicit that they are joining two sentences/clauses/ideas. In groups/pairs, Ss discuss what they think they mean. Concept check meanings:- Which ones are about time? Whenever, after, when Which one means "every time" or at those times? Whenever Which one means at the same or at that time? When Which one means first one thing, then the next? After Which one has a similar meaning to whenever here? If Focus Ss on instead of and in case. Elicit meanings. - Ask concept check questions: If you visit people instead of making phone calls, do telephone them first? No Do you do both things - make a phone call and visit them? No Do you change from one thing to another? Yes Model with things in the class, e.g. Can I have the red pen instead of the blue pen? "Never ignore market researchers in case they have free samples" Do the market researchers always have free samples? No Might they have free samples? Yes If they have free samples, am I ready for this? Yes You look out of the window and there are a lot of clouds in the sky. Why do you take an umbrella? In case it rains. Is it raining now? No Do you think it might rain? Yes Point to fire extinguisher in the class. Why is this here? In case there is a fire. Focus on form: Write the verb patterns from ex3a on the board: linking phrase/word plus + subject + verb, linking phrase/word + -ing/noun, - both. Elicit one example to a category. Ss work in pairs to match the sentences to the verb patterns. Ss come to the board to write them up. Check with the w/c - highlight patterns & alternatives where both patterns can be used: e.g. Keep your teabag after making a cup of tea. Keep your teabag after you make a cup of tea. Drill some of the examples for pronunciation.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and provide freer practice of the TL and some personalisation.

Focus Ss on ex3b. Elicit a completion for the first prompt: Cycle or hitchhike ....whenever you travel somewhere / instead of driving or taking the bus / if you go on a short journey. Ss work in pairs/small groups to complete their own sentences and add some ideas of their own (from their previous ways to spend money). Monitor and help where needed. Make notes of any common errors. Regroup Ss to check their sentences and compare and explain their ideas. Who has the best ideas? Monitor to see if they can peer-correct any errors. If not, make a note for delayed error correction. Take some general FB - who had the best/most interesting ideas? Put errors on board from monitoring. Either Ss work in pairs to correct them (if there are several errors) or elicit corrections (if there are only a few).

Flexi-stage - controlled & semi-controlled practice (alternative to semi-controlled practice If needed) (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and provide controlled practice of the TL and some personalisation.

Ss work in pairs to complete the gaps with the linking words/phrases (Wkbk Vocab ex1) Ss peer-check and come to the board to write the answers. w/c FB. Ss work in pairs to add some of their own ideas for money saving (from their previous ways to save money) Monitor and help where needed. Make notes of any common errors. Regroup Ss to check their sentences and compare and explain their ideas. Who has the best ideas? Monitor to see if they can peer-correct any errors. If not, make a note for delayed error correction. Take some general FB - who had the best/most interesting ideas? Put errors on board from monitoring. Either Ss work in pairs to correct them (if there are several errors) or elicit corrections (if there are only a few).

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