Alvin Özağazar Vardar Alvin Özağazar Vardar

Holiday destinations and holiday activities, can/can't for possibility
Elementary level level


In this lesson students will learn about can/ can't for possibility 'S+can+Vbase ....... / S+can't+Vbase........ / Can+S+Vbase....? in the context of holiday destinations and holiday activities. Students will do listening for gist on the target language and it will be followed by MFP method to teach the target language. Then the students will do some productive speaking activities to practice can/ can't for possibility in affirmative,negative and interrogative sentences. There will be controlled, semi- controlled and freer speaking tasks throughout the lesson.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of can/ can't for possibility also with interrogative form in the context of Holiday destinations and holiday activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about can/can't for possibility in the context of holiday activities.
  • To provide mostly accuracy in controlled and less controlled speaking tasks but also fluency in freer speaking activities


Warmer/Lead in • To set the lesson context and get the attention of the students

T puts the students into groups T sticks some pictures on the board T asks some questions to elicit 'holiday destinations and holiday activities' While eliciting teacher will also use TL in her speech. T will ask CCQ in the target language of the lesson. Warmer activity finishes

Exposure • To provide context for the TLthrough a text or a situation

T gives instructions for the listening activity. T passes HOs adapted from (Face to Face Elementary, unit 8, listening 8.1) T asks ss to fill in the gaps while listening. T lets them check the answers in pairs and passes the answer key.

Clarification • To clarify the MFP of the TL

After the listening practise, T writes one sentence that is taken from the listening script. Then T elicits the time and meaning of the sentence by asking CCQs. Then T elicicts the from of the structure. T gives the main stressed vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation through back chain drilling. T asks the negative form of the sentence. Do MFP through the negative sentence and finally T shows the question form on the board and do MFP. Grammar presentation finishes.

Controlled practice • To concept check and prepare the ss for more meaningful practice.

T gives instructions for the activity. T provides holiday activity verb cards for a controlled practice. T does transformation drills with the ss. T shows the verb cards. T demos. T do transformation drills through 8 verb cards. Each time they will change the verbs into affirmative,negative and interrogative form of the TL. The activity finishes.

Semi-Controlled Practice • To CC further and prepare ss for less-controlled speaking practice

In this stage ss will do two activities. Sss will do PW in both activities. T gives instructions after grouping. T demos T will ask one of the ss to mime a holiday activitiy and other ss will guess the correct verb and use that holiday activity in positive sentences. They will practice with 6 holiday activity verb cards. In the second activity ss will produce positive and question forms of the TL. T puts the ss in different groups this time. T will demo again. SS will be given picture cards and a holiday destination for each group They will ask and answer to learn what they can do at that holiday destination. They will produce 'Can we ......... ?' 'Yes, you can and you can also..........' T will monitor and take notes during the activity. Later Tdoes error correction on the board.

• Freer Practice

T gives a freer speaking task. SS work in pairs T groups the students according to the context. T asks ss to talk about a specific place in Turkey. SS will talk to each other about what activities they can or can't do there. Ss in turns talk about the given task and use target language. T also will encourage peers to ask questions on the target language while their pair work partner is speaking. Later pair work partners will switch.The other ss will speak this time. Ss will have enough time to practice. -

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