Donna Hassett Donna Hassett

Revealing secrets and takng revenge
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will focus on reported statements: said, said that, told me, asked etc. SS will learn the meaning, form and pronunciation using a variety of controlled, semi-controlled and freer practice activities. SS will also practicice their speaking skills using some role-plays throughout the lesson to practice indirect speech. This lesson will follow the previous as SS will be discussing different prisoners and talking about what people say about them and what others have said about them. The lesson will be done through a variety of guided discovery techniques.


Abc HO direct and indirect speech (tick indirect)
Abc colour cards for grouping
Abc shaker
Abc HO reported statements rewrite
Abc Problems cards for husband and wife
Abc A/K for reported statements HO

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of reported statements in the context of revealing secrets about others (gossiping)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice using reported statements in the context of revealing others secrets
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice when using reported statements (he said, she said that etc. ) in the context of revealing secrets and gossiping


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Briefly talk to SS about their last lesson asking what was said about Ruth Ellis in the text. -Quickly tell SS a story about you and your friends. Tell SS some gossip your friends spread about you and how you reacted - Ask SS if this has ever happened to them - Group SS and have them discuss some gossip their friend has ever said about them

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- Split SS into pairs using show sizes (to split the groups as a whole) - Quickly demo a sentence on the board eg: A: I love you B: He said he loves me! (tick as it is indirect speech) - Give SS a HO with 8 sentences and have them work in pairs and tick which sentences are indirect speech. - WC FB will be given and shown on the W/B and SS who answer will be asked to read out the answer in full

Clarification (Controlled practice) (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and the form of the target language

- Split the W/B in two and write 2 sentences for example: I am hungry - she said that she was hungry - Ask SS a CCQ for the indirect statement: Is it in the past or now? Now. - Write a second sentence underneath it and have SS elicit the indirect speech: - I can swim - Ask SS which one will turn to past tense? -SS: She said that she could swim. - Inform SS that in reported statements, verbs generally move back one tense - Tell SS they will be working individually - Give SS a HO having them complete the reported versions of the statements - When they are finished SS will check in pairs - A/K will be given and they can check and see how they did.

Pronunciation (3-4 minutes) • To high-light the pronunciation and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- Using the HO from the clarification stage of the lesson T will substitute drill the sentences (T will be A and SS will be B) - HO will be turned over so SS cannot see the sentences - Teacher will write one of the sentences on the board 'She said that she could swim' - T will show the pronunciation and the link between 'said' and 'that' and using phenemic characters will show the pronunciation and drill 'She said that'

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- SS will be split into groups of 3 and given cards that give them a role: husband, wife and messenger - T will demo beforehand with 2 students - The husband and the wifes cards will have problems on them (in order to start off the conversation) - The messenger must relay the conversation between husband and wife (as they are not speaking to one another) - After 2 minutes the messenger must switch with either the wife or the husband (T will shake shaker to indicate that SS should change) - This activity will be closely monitored to ensure the messenger is using TL 'He said, she said, she told me that etc...

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Split SS into new pairs by having them choose a colour - Have them work in pairs and tell each other 2 lies about other SS in the class eg. Ayşegül has got three houses - SS will mingle and tell eachother the lies they heard about them eg. Ayşegül, İnci said you drink hot chocolate every day -T will demo beforehand by telling SS 2 lies about another and have them tell the lie - To finish the lesson delayed error correction will be given

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