Aden Aden

Vocabulary - Ordinal numbers
Elementary A2 level


In this lesson the ss learn about ordinal numbers in the context of real life. They learn how to correctly express dates and how to talk about when a past event occured.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Ordinal numbers and time references in the context of real life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency practice of ordinal numbers, time references and touching on past simple in the context of real life.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To revise numbers in the English language

I will say the number '1' and point to the next student and i will use my body language to show that i want her to say '2' then to the next student '3' and so on around the class until we have counted up to at least 31 (maximum days in a month). i will then do the same activity with multiples of 2 and depending how good they are also multiples of 3.

Exposure - ordinal numbers (8-10 minutes) • To provide context and introduce the target language through a whole class activity

I will put the word January on the board and elicit from the ss that this is a month. I will then elicit the rest of the months in order (February, March, etc.) putting the names also on the WB. I will then put the number one under the month of january and try to elicit 'first'. then i will write the sentence on the board 'The ____ of ______.' using a choral drill to help the ss understand the structure and pronunciation. I will do this for the next 2 months with a different number each time, eliciting and drilling as i go. i will then put a different number under each of the remaining 9 months. put the ss into groups and give each group a series of ordinal numbers. they must put the correct ordinal number under the correct day. I will then drrill the next 9 months.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Play the same game as the lead in, but this time with the ordinal numbers first, second third etc. all the way up to 31st.

Semi-Controlled Practice - ordinal numbers (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and give the ss the chance to practice their new vocabulary further.

I will place on the board the date under the heading 'James' calender' 'the 23rd of December - fly to England for Christmas' and ask the students 'does James fly to England on the first of December?' I will elicit the answer 'no. He flies on the 23rd.'. After eliciting the question and answer structure I will put them into pairs and give one student 'James' Calender' and the other a series of questions about dates. The ss with the questions must get the answers from his/her partner.

Exposure - Time references (5-7 minutes) • To elicit meaning of new vocabulary related to Time references

I am going to use my context of 'real life' to elicit the meaning of the time references ago, last and when I was. by telling stories about my past.

Concept check and controlled practice (7-9 minutes) • To reinforce the ss understanding and to practice it in a controlled manner.

I will then use the dates and times from my previous stage and put them onto a timeline on the board eliciting the answers from the ss focusing on the TL. Then I will give each ss their own timeline and a set of different time references which they will put in the correct order on their own time line. They will then discuss in pairs and I will give them an answer key after this.

Freer practice (8-12 minutes) • To give freer practice of both ordinal numbers and time references in an interactive board game activity where they must ask and answer each other questions about past times.

I will put the main question 'When was the last time you...' on the board and elicit the meaning. I will then demo the activity with the class and put them into groups each with their own board and a dice. They will roll the dice and ask and answer each other the questions on the board. If time allows i will mix the groups and get them to play again.

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