Meliz Ahmet Meliz Ahmet

Meliz Ahmet - TP 7
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will put into practice listening for gist and for detail. This will take place in the context of dilemmas and difficult decisions. The follow up, productive activity will give the students an opportunity to further explore the listening material through a speaking activity aimed at fluency. In this speaking activity, students will be encouraged to use the past modals learnt in the TP ahead of mine.


Abc Stage five: gap fill exercise
Abc Stage two: phrases/vocabulary in context
Abc Song: Out of Reach (Gabrielle)

Main Aims

  • This skills based lesson will provide practice in listening for gist and for detail in the context of dilemmas/making difficult decisions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in speaking for fluency within the context set by the song.


Stage 1 - Warm up/lead in (6-8 minutes) • Set the context and present vocabulary/phrases that will come up during the listening

T asks students to stand up and stand in a circle at the front. T says, I love music - I listen to it all the time - whenever I am happy or sad, upset or angry, I listen to music. T asks student next to her: Do you like music? Tell me your favourite song. Whisper. Activity will go around the circle. T will ask: what are songs usually about? What have we been talking about today? (Difficult decision/dilemmas). Today will listen to a song. These are words/phrases taken from the song, I want you to talk in pairs, what do you think they mean. T will provide students with the HO. T will give students three mins at the most, and then take WC feedback T will concept checking understanding: Out of reach. Is this something close or something far? Can I reach this ceiling from here - or is it out of reach? Swept away. Does this mean falling in love? (yes) Is it fast or slow? (fast) Am I in control of how I feel? (No). Bruised? when I’m bruised, does it hurt or feel good? (hurt) T will conduct drill, then present words on the WB and ask students to sit down

Stage 3 - activate schema (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening by getting them to guess the topic of the song.

T will ask student to discuss in groups what they believe to be the topic of the song will be based on the vocabulary and phrases just looked at. T will take WC feedback.

Stage 4 - Listening for gist (4-6 minutes) • For students to get a general understanding of the listening by answering a gist question

Before playing just two verses of the song, T will ask students to listen to see if they had guessed the subject of the song correctly. If not, what is the song about?

Stage 5: Listening for detail (8-10 minutes) • For students to more detailed understanding of the listening exercise

T will provide students with a gap fill exercise of the song's lyrics and ask that they read through and think about what they think will go in the gaps. T will give students two minutes to do this. T will then tell students to listen to the song and fill in the gaps. T will play once and monitor the students progress to determine whether to play the listening exercise again.

Stage 6 (4-6 minutes) • For students to gain more comprehensive understanding of the text they have been listening to

T will say: Even though the singer is very sad, there are two sentences in the lyrics which show she still has hope. T will ask students to find and underline these sentences. T will ask student to pair check and then take WC feedback.

Stage 7 - Productive activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide practice in speaking for fluency within the framework song's subject - and with use of the past modals.

T will set up a speaking activity relating to the dilemma presented in the song and providing an opportunity for the students to activate the grammar they encountered in an earlier TP (should have, could have, would have). T will separate students into green and blues. T will tell students that greens are singers and blues are the person she was singing to. Green and blues stand and make pairs. Now I want you to talk. Singers - tell your boyfriend: what could he have done better; what should he have done. What should he have not done. Boyfriends, I want you to answer, what should she have done, what shouldn't you have done. Swap colours with your partner and find new partner.

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