Elementary A1 level
Main Aims
To provide sufficient practice of the TL in the context of food.
Subsidiary Aims
To familiarize students with new lexical items related to food.
To use the adverbs some and any correctly in speaking.
Procedure (36-45 minutes)
Use the projector to show a picture of a supermarket on the w/b. Sts will guess what it is and say: "supermarket, shop or store". Sts will work in pairs and ask each other: -What do you buy from the supermarket?. WCFB: Sts will give some words related to food.
Sts will match between the words (fish, rice, lettuce, ice cream, bananas, bread, apples, milk, eggs and cake) and the pictures of these words on HOs. ICQ: Will you match or listen to a record? Match. ICQ: How much time do you have? 4 minutes. Sts will check their answers in pairs (they will be given randomly different coloured strips of paper for every two sts to change their partners). WCFB. Sts will have the answer key on the w/b. T will deal with any difficult words. Sts will repeat the words after the T and the T will elicit the word class and the stress. Sts will discover that all of the words are nouns and T will focus on this.
Sts will read some sentences about a person who bought some groceries from the supermarket and will answer the question: - What did he buy from the supermarket? Sts will have the target sentences (the answers) on the w/b and T will underline the TL. T will bring some realia (e.g. rice, bananas & apples) and ask the Sts to count them. Then, they won't be able to count rice. At this point of time, T will ask: - What is the difference? - What do we call these nouns? Sts might know the words countable and uncountable. If they don't know, T will introduce them.
Sts will have the words on papers to put them into two columns (countable and uncountable). ICQ: If we can count Bananas, where should we put it? Under the countable. ICQ: How much time do you have? 3 minutes. Sts will check their answers with their partners. Then WCFB. Sts will have the answer keys on papers or on w/b.
Sts will have the same sentences (the target sentences) on papers to answer the written questions on the same papers: 1. We use some with (plural/singular) nouns. 2. We use some with (singular/uncountable) nouns. 3. We use any with (buy/didn't buy). 4. We use a & an with (plural/singular) nouns. 5. We use a & an with (singular/uncountable) nouns. ICQ: Will you choose the correct answer or match? Choose. ICQ: How much time do you have? 4 minutes. Then, WCFB to discus the answers.
Each S will have a paper to fill some/any in the gaps. ICQ: Will you match or choose the correct word? Choose the correct word. ICQ: How much time do you have? 5 minutes. As Sts finish, they will check their answers in pairs. Sts will have the answers on the w/b. After this, WCFB.
Sts will mingle and ask each other the following questions: - What do you eat/drink every day? - What don't you eat\drink every day? Some answers will appear on the w/b to help the sts use some and any. ICQ: Will you ask your friends or people in streets? Friends. ICQ: How much time do you have? 4 minutes. As Sts finish, WCFB.
Sts will correct (and explain why) the wrong sentences (They will be written on the w/b).