Future Society
Intermediate level


In this lesson, SS will focus on reading and speaking along with learning new vocabulary. After teaching the vocabulary the procedures will be followed by pre-reading, while readig and post reading. To provide SS some speaking activites will reinforce their sub aim.


Abc Celebrity pictures
Abc Hand outs (Cutting Edge Student Book pg 93)
Abc Vocabulary cut outs ( meanings)
Abc Hand outs ( Cutting Edge Students Book pg 92)
Abc Colorful bookmarkers
Abc Colorful flashcard

Main Aims

  • To provide practices for gist reading and detailed reading related to texts,' Getting it Wrong!' and ' Getting it Right?'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide SS the meanings of unfamiliar words that are going to be usefull before getting into reading.
  • To provide SS some speaking activities to encourage them talk about what they learn from the text they read.


Stage 1( Warm up/Lead in) (3-7 minutes) • To have a little brainstorm before the SS read about the texts by eliciting the words 'prediction' and 'horoscope'.

- T shows 2 pictures -one contain horoscopes and one fortune teller, and elicit the meanings. - T tell SS that she believes in horoscopes and fortunes and everything and tries to get the SS attention to the topic. - SS will be working in pairs. - T asks SS if they read horoscopes or expert's predictions about the future of society? and 'Do you believe they are usually true?

Stage 2 (Pre- Reading) (5-8 minutes) • To provide SS some new vocabulary about the related texts.

- SS will be working in groups. - T will give some slips of paper- one contains the words and one contains the meanings. - SS will be asked to match the right words with the right meanings. - When they finish T will hand the A/K in. - Then drill once.

Stage 3 (While Reading -1) (3-7 minutes) • To provide SS less challenging gist reading to have them understand the overall idea.

- T will give the HO's which includes the topics that they should be related above. - T will ask SS to read the predictions given carefully alone and match the right prediction with the right topic. The time is given 3 minutes. - Then SS will asked to check in pairs to see how other peer did. - Then the SS will be given the A/K. - Then T asks SS which prediction has come true?

Stage 4 ( While Reading -2) (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

- T will briefly give some information about James Martin. - After that T will hand another reading text which is' Getting it Right?' written by James Martin, along with the ex. 6 pg 93. - SS will be given 5 minutes to read the whole text. - Then SS will be working on ex 6 pg 93 individually to find out if the sentences given on the exercise are same or different from what James Martin predicted. - S will work in groups to see if the all the SS get the same or different answers from each other. - And the T will check the answers with the W/C.

Stage 5 (Post Reading) (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and be creative on what they would do under parallel circumstances

- SS will be working in groups. - T will give HO's with three questions related to the context and asks SS to discuss the questions in their groups. - Then each group will choose a spokesperson to share the idea of their group with the class.

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