Teaching Practice 6
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice of causative in the context of The sporting Year
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice of causative in the context of The Sporting Year
Procedure (34-45 minutes)
T will write on the board the sentence: They had the tickets delivered by special couriers. Ask the students where this sentence comes from CCQ: Did they got the tickets for the center court? Did they ask for the tickets? Did they pay for it?
T asks the students in pairs to find another examples of the sentence in the text. T will monitor to see how the students are doing the task. Early finishers will come to the board to write their answers. Or T will stop the students and ask for feedback. T will ask the students to look at the sentences on the white board. The students will be given a handout to select the correct rule for the structure.
Students will be given a handout to find and correct the sentences in pairs. when students finish, students check their answers in pairs. T projects the answers and elicit the form of the causative structure
Students are given a handout to work individually to re-write the sentences using causative. Students check their answers in pair. Feedback and teacher will elicit the answers.
Students are asked to imagine that the olympic games will be held in Turkey. Students will be put into three groups to write what they would ask people to do. T will monitor the students and correct their mistakes at the end of the activity. Then they will discuss their ideas in the whole class.