Mojca Mojca

Global warming
Intermediate level


In this receptive-skill lesson, the students will read (for gist and details) about global warming. The students will use vocabulary (basic and just a few words) given at the beginning of the lesson and be introduced passive voice (in any tense) through the reading activities. In this lesson, students will at the end be able to discuss global warming by either using the new vocabulary, grammar form (passive voice), or both to show understanding of the reading they have done and how productive they can be with the target language given in the lesson (reading, vocabulary and passive voice).


Main Aims

  • To provide reading for gist and details

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce and practice vocabulary in the context of global warming
  • To practice target language in the context of global warming and enable students to show understanding of it in a productive stage (speaking of their opinions, experiences and predictions of global warming)
  • To introduce and provide passive voice in the context of global warming (dominant sub aim)


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T shows a video of global warming (a short clip from youtube) -Ss discuss in groups what the context of the lesson is -when Ss guess, T then writes 'Global warming' on the WB

Pre-Reading (vocabulary introduction) (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text by eliciting the vocaulary in the text and make it accessible (Face to Face, Intermediate (2006), page 60)

-T asks Ss what they think of when they hear 'Global warming' and that how elicits the vocabulary (coal, hurricane, heat wave, man-made, ice caps) that she will provide for the target language (reading) -Ss are given a grid with words in it (vocabulary of the text) and they watch a slide show and put the words in order as shown in the slide show -T highlights the pronunciation of words like 'flood'-'flooded', 'climate', 'carbon dioxide', 'coal' -peer-checking (PW) -Ss check in groups (GW) -Feedback-Ss are shown the same slides but with the answers on them to confirm the correct guesses -T hands out the slides in hard copy (pictures with words) -T then puts the title with two missing words on the WB (Global __ and ___ changes) to elicit understanding of the vocabulary provided before -Ss try to guess which two words are missing in the title - a note- the reading text is provided in hard copy

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading task (Face to Face, Intermediate (2006), page 60)

-Ss are given the reading text (an article with questions and answers-though the text the Ss get has no questions but only answers) and skim it -Ss match questions provided to the answers given -peer-check-GW -T writes down the correct order of the questions (a-d) and asks the Ss to check again in groups-GW -Ss are asked to underline the key words that gave them a clue for the gist -T to WC discussion

While-Reading (8-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task and introduce passive voice (Face to Face, Intermediate (2006), page 60, 61)

-Ss read the text again and in pairs try to answer the questions for the details individually -peer-check-PW and then GW -T gives one answer key to each student in a group (Ss report the answers to each other-2minutes for this part) -Feedback- T focuses on the questions that were problematic for the Ss -Ss focus on the words in bold in the text (passive voice) and underline them -T writes the examples on the WB (is held, is being kept, have been caused, was hit, are going to be affected, will be flooded, can be found) and elicits the meaning of the passive voice using CCQs and highlights and elicits the form as well -note- the reading text is provided in hard copy

Post-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned (Face to Face, Intermediate (2006), page 61)

-Ss are divided int groups according to the information they have read in the text (whether they have heard about the information given in the text before or they were surprised by it) -Ss are given four questions they discuss in groups (they share their ideas) -T monitors and writes the key words of the conversations on the WB -T monitors and writes the errors Ss make on the WB -WC feedback

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