Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the Ss will be reading a text with the title "The People Watchers" form the source Speak Out. Throughout the lesson several stages of the receptive skills will be practiced: via predictions on pre-reading, followed by title finding per paragraph as gist reading within a limited time and questions & groupings for detailed reading subskills. A post reading exercise will be given enforcing the productive skill speaking through an exercise, where the Ss pick from a group of alternatives different situations and try to persuade one another to make a certain act for a foundation they pretend to work for. Finally, the lesson ends with a freer exercise where ss pick from a group of vocabulary words given at the beginning of the lesson and make sentences with them for correct usage working in groups .T will make a general close-up with error correction as delayed feedback from the monitoring done in the last section of the lesson..


Abc Form a table HO
Abc Gap fill HO
Abc HO from the student's book
Abc Pictures
Abc Cut-ups

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about watching people's general reactions to certain events in public

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role play where the Ss try to persuade their peers into doing some acts for the foundation they pretend to work for.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and familiarize Ss with the content words related to the text

T introduces herself for it is the first lesson that she will be having with them and continues with preteaching the vocabulary that will be needed while reading the text through ECDW.

Pre-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and ask them make predictions

T asks the Ss if they are familiar with the phrase “people-watching” wants them to discuss which professions would be good at doing this watching people thing and why they think as such. T pairs the Ss work. This pre-reading activity is done to check background knowledge of the group and their predictions on the context for comparing their ideas after reading the text. (Speak Out Intermediate St. book,p:71 ex:1A&1B)

While-Reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task

T-T gives Ss a HO of the text written with paragraphs seperated from each other for title blanks. Ss will match the titles given as cut-ups to the blanks on top of each paragraph of the HO, to predict the sequence of the titles per paragraph. In groups, the Ss check their answers. F/B will be taken from the class .

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

T asks the Ss if they are familiar with the phrase “people-watching” wants them to discuss which professions would be good at doing this watching people thing and why they think as such. T pairs the Ss work. This pre-reading activity is done to check background knowledge of the group and their predictions on the context for comparing their ideas after reading the text. (Speak Out Intermediate St. book,p:71 ex:1A&1B) While-Reading #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task T gives Ss a HO of the text written with paragraphs seperated from each other for title blanks. Ss will match the titles given as cut-ups to the blanks on top of each paragraph of the HO, to predict the sequence of the titles per paragraph. Ingroups the Ss checks their answers. F/B will be taken from the class . While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks Ss are paired and told to read the questions in the second exercise of the HO. ThenT asks them to read the text for a specific purpose which is to find the answers to the questions given. They discuss with their peers as they give the replies. A/K is given at the end of the exercise for the Ss to check their answers. This is followed by the part B of the Exercise where the Ss read the text intensely this time to make notes under the headings stated. A4 papers with the Headings are given out for the Ss to take notes. (Speak Out Intermediate St. book,p:71 ex:2A&2B)

Post-Reading/Speaking (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and be creative on what they would do under parallel circumstances

A list of 5 different Foundations in Turkey are given to the Ss. They are also asked to pick up from the lottary box a situation that they would be persuading their peer using the Foot in the Door tchnique for a Foundation that they pick to work for volunteerly. This is done in the corners of the Foundations posted on the classroom walls.

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