Walid Baitelmal Walid Baitelmal

Future plans
Starters level


In this lesson students will use the future progressive tense to talk about future plans. They will have the chance to write and speak about future plans using the present progressive tense.


Abc Sentences in the present continuous
Abc Alan and sophies notes
Abc time expressions HO
Abc Time expressions on A4 papers.

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of present progressive in the context of talking about future plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a present progressive in the context of plans this week or next week
  • To provide product writing practice of the present progressive in the context of plans this or next week


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To get the students' attention

- Ask the students " what day is it today ? " " what day is it tomorrow?" "what day was it yesterday?"

Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming grammar stages. ( future time expressions)

- Tell students they will work in pairs. they will put the words under the right headline ( today, tomorrow, this week and next week.) model one of them on the WB - Give each pair one HO and they put the words in the right place in the table ask ICQS : will you work together or in pairs ? ( in pairs ) how much time do you have ? ( 2) - after finishing students stick the expressions under the right headline on the WB. - Have some general feedback and deal with any wrong answers . - Point out that all these expressions are talking about the future

Test #1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

- Remind the students of their previous lesson with Sean - Elicit the name and the structure of the present continuous and write them on the WB - Write " I'm learning English " on WB - Write " I'm going to Ayasofia next Saturday " - students in pairs discuss what's different in the two sentences - Divide the WB into 2 sections with the headline ( Now - Future ) - Tell the students that you will give them sentences and in pairs they will put them in the right place in the table ... are these sentences talking about now ? or the future ? ask ICQs : Are you going to work alone or in pairs ? ( pairs ) How much time do you have ? ( 3 ) - Students work in pairs ( monitor ) - After they finish let students write the sentences on the WB.

Teach (6-8 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language that students had difficulties in the first test stage.

- After students write the sentence on the WB check the answers WC and deal with any difficulties. - Point out that we can use the present continuous to talk about now and the future. - underline the time expressions that we use to talk about the future - use the negative examples to clarify how to make the present continuous (negative )

Test #2 (7-9 minutes) • check studnts' use of the target language again.

- Write a note on the WB "the theater , Friday (go) " and elicit the sentence in the present continuous from the students and write it on the WB -Tell students that they will be two teams and each team will have the notes of someone's plans for the next week ( Sophie and Alan ) and they will write the sentence just like you did on the WB - Divide the class into two groups - Give the students HO with Sophie and Alan's notes ask ICQs : Are you going to work alone or together ? ( together ) Are you going to write sentences about future plans or now ? ( Future plans ) students work together to write the sentences monitor and check that everyone is on the task and help if needed. -

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice saying sentences using the target language

- Regroup students into pairs ( one from Alan group and one from Sophie's) - Tell the students that they will be Alan and Sophie and they will tell each other about their plans for next week. - Monitor and notice any mistakes but don't interrupt.

Freer practice (7-9 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice using the target language

- Students work alone to write 5 sentences about things they are doing this week or next week. ask ICQs: Are you going to work alone or in pairs ? ( alone ) How many sentences you will write ? (5) how much time do you have ? (4) monitor and help when needed. -After students finish put them in pairs to tell each other about their plans . monitor and notice any mistakes.

Delayed feedback (2-4 minutes) • To highlight the mistakes done by the students.

- Write any mistakes you have noticed during the controlled and freer practice - Elicit the corrections from students and explain any unclear issues.

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