Saeed Sabeti Saeed Sabeti

Saeed TP5
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, Ss learn how to talk about problems and how to express complaints in different situations. Ss will do some tasks to explore a listening about telephone problems. Afterwards, they will practice the language through a roleplay where they need to complain about different problems in different situations.


Abc Empty HO - Complaints
Abc HO - Ways of Complaining
Abc Gap-fill HO
Abc Roleplay Topics

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for complaints in the context of everyday problems

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a roleplay in the context of everyday problems


lead-in/warmer (4-5 minutes) • To remind Ss about the context and engage them

- Ss are put into four groups of three. - T writes a quotation about complaining on the board and has Ss talk about it for about 3 minutes and tell each other whether they agree or disagree. This is to review the subject of complaining and to generate some interest. “What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.” ― Maya Angelou - After the short discussion, T asks few Ss for their opinions to get feedback. - As this is just to engage Ss, no error corrections take place here.

Controlled Practice on the FL (complaints) (6-8 minutes) • to set the FL of complaints

- Ss are given a Gap-fill HO including 12 extracts taken from the listening 2.12 - 2.14. In front of the extracts, there is a list of phrases that match the gaps. - Ss need to find the phrase that matches each gap individually. - After completing the task, they Ss will check their answers in pairs. - (In case of having difficulties filling the gaps, Ss will listen to the audio once to complete the task.) - At the end, T will give the answers using the projector.

Funtional Language details (5-6 minutes) • to give Ss a meaningful use of language

- Ss are put into pairs and given a HO including four categories related to complaints: Explaining the problem/Saying what you want/Expressing dissatisfaction/Responding to a complaint - T has Ss put the sentences from the previous exercise into the correct categories in their pairs. - After having done the task, Ss will be given the HO including the answers for them to check.

Functional Language details (5-6 minutes) • to use Ss prior knowledge and information about the FL

- Ss, still in their pairs, are asked to brainstorm and write more sentences that can be used in the four categories. Ss will be given a time limit of 3 minutes. - After Ss have finished the task, T elicits some sentences they have come up with.

Functional Language CP (8-10 minutes) • to give Ss the chance to rehearse the FL

- T has Ss work in pairs to make up their short conversations using the table of categories. - T has each pair act out their short conversation for the WC.

Speaking for accuracy (8-10 minutes) • to practice the FL in a meaningful context by doing a roleplay

- Ss are asked to put their chairs in front of each other so that they are face to face. - T projects a situation topic onto the board. - Ss will be told that they should use the situation on the board and talk about it with the person in front of them. - After about two minutes, T changes the topic and asks Ss to swap places with each other and use the new topic. There are four topics overall.

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