Walid Baitelmal Walid Baitelmal

Months and weather
Beginners level


In this lesson students will be introduced to the months of the year and learn how to pronounce them and talk about about the weather in different months and seasons using new adjectives that they will also learn in this lesson. they will also practice scanning a text for specific information and for details.


Abc texts from ex1
Abc Questions about the text
Abc Answer key for the questions
Abc HO for each pair to write about a city
Abc Months on A4 papers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of months and weather vocabulary in the context of talkng about when is the best time to go to different cities/countries.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about weather and months in the context of when is the best time to go to different cities/ countries.


Lead in (3-4 minutes) • to set the context of lesson

- Show students the calender and ask them what it is. - Point to the different months on the calender and elicit the word " Month(s) " - Drill the word " month " and then write it on the WB.

Introducing the names of the months and seasons (12-15 minutes) • to provide clarification of the meaning, form and pronunciation of the months and seasons.

- Write numbers from 1- 12 on the WB - Elicit the names of the months from students and drill them one by one, but do not write them. make sure they say them all properly. - Give students the calenders . - In pairs students put the names of the months in the right place in the calender. - Students stick the names of the months on the right place on the WB. - Check the answers WC. - Clarify where the stress is in all months and drill them. - Ask students: What's this month ? ( April ) What's next month ? ( May ) What was last month ? ( March ) and write on the WB ( last, next ) and make sure students get their meaning. - Elicit from students which months are summer and which months are winter write them on the WB next to the months after drilling them. - Elicit the word seasons and write it on the WB

When is your birthday ? (4-6 minutes) • To give the students a chance to practice saying some of the months.

- Talk about your birthday. and elicit the question - Write the question on the WB after you drill it " when is your birthday ? " - Drill the answer and write it on the WB " It's in ............." - Point out that we say " in " before months not " on " - Students move and ask each other the question and write the name of the person in the right month in their calenders.

Introducing adjetives used to describe the weather (4-6 minutes) • To provide clarification of the meaning, form and pronunciation of some vocabulary used to describe the weather.

- Use the pictures to elicit the adjectives.and stick them on the WB. - Drill each adjective and write it next to its picture and clarify the stress. - Make sure you place wet and dry next to each other to clarify that they are opposites. - Draw a thermometer to use it as a Cline and stick ( cold, cool, warm and cold ) next to it so students understand the difference between them. - Ask CCQs : Wet – Do I need an umbrella? (yes) Dry – Do I need an umbrella? (no) Sunny – Do I need sunglasses? (yes) Hot – Do I want to go to the beach? (yes) Can I wear a T-shirt? (yes) Warm – Do I need a coat? (No). Am I cold? (no) Will I wear a light shirt? (maybe) Cool – Will I need a jacket? (yes) Cold – Do I need a coat? (yes) And a hat? (Maybe yes). Will I wear only a T-shirt? (no)

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information

- Give students HO with the texts about when to go. - Tell the students that they are going to read about 4 cities and they should read and underline the adjectives from the WB in the text. Ask ICQs : Will you read alone or in pairs ? ( alone ) Which adjectives will you underline? (The ones on the WB) How many minutes do you have ? (2) - Students check their answers in pairs.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide practice of reading for details by answering questions

- Give students HO with questions about the text. - Students answer the question and then check their answers in pairs. ask ICQs : will you read alone or in pairs ? ( alone ) How many questions will you answer? ( 4 ) How many minutes do you have ? (3) - Students check their answers in the answer key given by the teacher.

Freer practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice writing about months and seasons and using adjetive learned in this lesson.

- Put students into pairs - Give each pair one HO - Each pair write about a city they know - Monitor and help when needed. - Students read their text to the class.

Delayed feedback ( if there is time) (2-4 minutes) • To highlight the mistakes done by the students.

- Write any mistakes you noticed during the freer practice on the WB. - Elicit the correction from the students.

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