Miray Yavuz Miray Yavuz

Eating and Drinking
Elementary level


In this lesson, the subject which will be focused on by the students is going to include one of the productive skills development by speaking. This lesson will be supported with language( grammar and vocabulary) and receptive skills (listening).Moreover, they will have speaking parts that are related to Eating and Drinking in their lives by using the grammar and vocabulary that they learned in the beginning of the lesson.


Abc Vocabulary
Abc Speaking Parts
Abc WB
Abc Strips

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy but mostly fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Eating and Drinking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of "how many/much" and "there is/are" in the context of Eating and Drinking.To provide detailed listening practice using a text about the things such as knives, forks, spoons etc. in the context of Eating and Drinking.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- I am going to draw a schema on the WB which has two lines. I am going to write "red meat, fruit and vegetables" on the left side, " water, cups of coffee and alcohol" on the right side. - I will ask to the SS guess what are they about. I am going to ask some questions to help them guess easily. ( 1. What do we do with fruit? 2. What do we do with alcohol?) After they predict what those are, I will write their answers on the WB and they will be able to find the topic's name. (Eating and Drinking)

Useful Language (8-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- I am going to elicit "how many and how much" forms accompany with one or two examples in case the students do not know them. - I am going to tell to the SS what they are supposed to do by giving clear and simple instructions. - I will organize the SS as a group of 3 (depends on the SS' number in the class) - I am going to give strips to the groups. ( Those strips which are entirely about how many and how much will include page 56' exercises) - The SS will match them with how many and how much. - After they finish their first speaking activity on matching exercise, they are going to stand up and start walking around to see other groups' mapping. - Lastly, I am going to give an AK that the SS see the correct answers. - I am going to ask to the SS which group guessed the correct answers more. - After they have a quick check the answers, I will put them as a pair. - They will use/ask those questions which were matched with how many and how much to each other, They will decide his/ her lifestyle is healthy or unhealthy. ( Is your partner's lifestyle healthy or unhealthy?)

Receptive Skill ( Listening) (8-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target receptive skill

- I am going to elicit "there is/ there are" on the WB. - I will give simple and clear instructions - I will organize the SS as a pair but with different partners - I am going to give the same picture for each pairs in the class. They are going to try to find those things. ( soup, prawns, chicken, plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons, sunglasses, a hat, a dress, feathers, balloons and drums) - As soon as they match those words with the items in the picture, they are going to have a listening part which is about describing the picture. They will numerate the things in the picture she describes. Before they start working on the listening part individually, I am going to do first listening as a demo so that they can easily comprehend what they are supposed to do.

Productive Skill (Speaking Activity) (7-15 minutes) • To encourage to SS' talk each others by using the grammar and vocabulary that they learned

- I am going to give very simple and clear instructions. - I will organize the students as a pair and give them one more picture which has some missing items when compared with the previous one that they had - Each partner will not look at his/her partner's picture. - They will have 10 minutes to find the differences between the two pictures.Also they are going to take some notes about her/his partner's answers. While they are asking the questions, they are supposed to use useful language parts ( A. Describing his/her own picture: In my picture......, there is a..........., there aren't/isn't any............, on the left side, on the right side, In the middle........ B. Asking questions: In your picture,is there a..........?, How many/much................. is/are there?, What colour is the ..........?) - I am going to ask to the class how many differences they found.

Feedback/ Error Correction (0-2 minutes) • To give a chance to SS see their mistakes on WB and correct them.

-I will monitor them during their activities and take their errors. - End of the lesson, I am going to reflect them on the WB. After that I will correct them that SS do not do those errors again.

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