Mojca Mojca

Using the internet
Intermediate level


In the previous lesson the students practiced 'be used to', 'get used to' and 'find difficult' in the context of intercultural experiences. In this lesson, the students will practice productive skills, reading for gist, details and if time permits, reading for specific information, and speaking (stating the opinions) in the context of using the Internet, online friendship. In this lesson, the students will be introduced lexis (phrases) connected to the Internet.


Main Aims

  • To provide reading for gist, details and introduce and practice vocabulary in the context of using the Internet-online friendships

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading for specific information, in the context of using the Internet, online friendships
  • To enable students to practice speaking in the context of using the Internet, online friendships


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T shows a Twitter logo -T elicits the topic from the students-GW guess

Pre-Reading and reading for gist (8-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-Ss are introduced other lexis connected to the Internet- T tries to elicit them by using the words that she put on the WB before the lesson (time, use, have, comment, google, twitter, communicating) -T focuses on pronunciation of 'socialise' and 'site' -Ss do a gap-fill exercise from the WB (English Unlimited, p 10) -T puts the title and a photo of Dr. Tyagi on the wall and Ss guess in groups what the topic of the reading part is (influence of social networking on friendships) and how the man in the photo (Dr.Tyagi) is connected to it - Ss work in pairs- they put the paragraphs given in the correct order - Peer-check- GW - one of the students in the group is given the correct answers and they check - all the Ss are given the reading text-story

Reading for details (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with detailed information reading tasks

-Ss read the article again and answer one question only (Ss are put into groups by years and into pairs by seasons at the beginning of the lesson), - Ss with the same seasons check the answers- speaking - then all the seasons (students with different questions and answers) of the year discuss all the answers to the questions given in the exercise (English Unlimited, SsBk, p16)

Reading for specific information (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging specific, deduction reading tasks

- Ss are put in groups by the same seasons - one of the Ss reads a paragraph out loud, while the others listen and write down the missing words in the text - Ss first check in pairs and then the one that has read to them, reads again so that they can confirm the right answers (T does this if there is any time left)

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned by speaking

-Ss are put into the season groups and individually answer the question given to them (English Unlimited, SsBk, p 17) -Ss share the opinion with the group - Ss are put into different groups by years so that they share all the answers and together decide the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet to socialise - Ss write the answers on the WB (each year, + and -) -T checks and gives feedback

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