Omar Alderbas Omar Alderbas

Shops & shoppers
Intermediate - B1 level


In this lesson, Students will learn about Quantifiers and what they mean. They will be able to place quantifiers correctly. Students will practice their Speaking skill in putting up a proposal (they will have different speaking activities) which help them improve their knowledge of developing new shopping areas.


Main Aims

  • To test Ss' knowledge of quantifiers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the Ss a chance to practice speaking in the context of making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To draw the Ss attention and get them interested in the topic, this will help them brainstorm some ideas and vocabulary related to the Speaking

I will stick some pictures of the most famous mall in Istanbul on the w/b (3A pictures) I will ask the Ss whether they can recognize this mall or not (The mall is very famous, so that they know it for sure) and ask them to discuss (in pairs) these questions (They will be given the questions on strips of papers): - What is there in this mall? - How many times have you been there, what did you do? As the Ss finish, I will take w/c FB.

Testing what Ss know about the TL: (6-8 minutes) • To introduce quantifiers and how to use them in a sentence.

I will give the Ss the HO1 (on papers) and ask them to work in pairs to fill the gaps using the words in the box. ICQ: Are we going to match between sentences or fill the gaps? ICQ: Which words are we going to use? (I will be monitoring without interfering) When time is up, I will check Ss' answers and see if they encounter any problems with the Quantifiers and ask other Ss to explain to each other (I will help them if needed)

Pre-teach vocabulary: (5-7 minutes) • To elicit the meanings of some words that might hinder the speaking activity.

I will elicit the words (proposal, association, variety and accessible) by asking the Ss to guess the definitions of these words and I will write the first letter of every word to help them guess the word. The definitions: 1- Proposal: a plan or suggestion. 2- Association: an organization. 3- Variety: a lot of things of the same type. 4- Accessible: a place or building that is easy to reach or get into. CCQs: 1- Do you accept the proposal for sure? 2- Is it one person or a group of people? 3- Is it one thing or a collection of things? 4- If a place is accessible, is it easy to go to? I will drill the words with the Ss both chorally and individually and complete the words (I have already written the first letters of each word) on the w/b, including the word class, and marking the stress.

Freer practice (Speaking) (18-20 minutes) • To give the Ss a chance to practice giving opinion, agreeing and disagreeing in the context of proposal.

I will divide the Ss into three groups (using three different colored strips of paper) and tell them that each group represents a different section of the public (A=youth, B=pensioners and C=parents) I will tell the Ss a small story, I will say: I have a rich friend, he has just arrived in Istanbul. He wants to build a new shopping area here, and he wants the area to include cinemas, cafes, an arts centers and a sports center. He asked me to help him, but I need your suggestions before I answer him. I will give the Ss HO2 (the points that they must include in their proposal) to read them. After that, I will give each S in groups (A, B & C) a strip of paper to read the information about the proposal that they will put up. And tell Ss to work (individually) to brainstorm some notes about their proposal. ICQ: Are you going to write or just read? Are you going to write alone or with your friend? ICQ: which information should you use? (I will be monitoring without interfering) As Ss finish, I will form three new groups (every group consists of a third of each previous group) and I will get each group to appoint a secretary to write the joint proposal and ask the Ss to discuss their notes in their groups and decide on a joint proposal. Before they start speaking, i will project the useful language suggested in the materials. ICQ: who will write? Raise your hands, please. ICQ: Are you going to decide on one proposal or two? (I will be monitoring and taking notes of some mistakes that Ss make) When time is up, I will get a S from every group to present their proposal and say to the class: please listen and find out which proposal is the best. After all the groups finish, I will take w/c FB to choose the best proposal and tell the Ss that my friend will be very happy with their proposal and thank them.

Wrap-up (3-5 minutes) • To give the Ss language FB on their output.

I will write the wrong sentences (I have written them during the last speaking ex) on the w/b and get the Ss to correct them.

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