Joseph Scott, TP 4.
Upper-Intermediate. level
Main Aims
To review and practice gerunds and infinitives and use them to discuss fame and fortune.
Subsidiary Aims
Hone writing skills using the TL by personalising context and having Ss write about what they would do with fame and fortune.
Procedure (37-53 minutes)
T will use visual cues to open discussion about pass times celebrities often indulge in (modelling, shopping, footballers training etc) to elicit some of the target language from Ss, T will give an explanation of the gerund and infinitive in their simplest forms
Give Ss a HO and project on WB a list of sentences in the context of the previous lessons that employ the two forms, have Ss discuss the sentences in pairs and identify the TL. Each S will then circle the TL in one of the sentences on WB and answer CCQs.
The further use of the infinitive as an adjective and adverb explained through displaying sample sentences and eliciting the use from Ss. HO featuring a list of sentences containing the infinitive as a noun, adjective and adverb will be labelled by Ss. Answers will be compared in pairs and FB will be provided by eliciting from Ss what the relation of the infinitive is to the verb and thus working out if it is a noun, adjective or adverb.
Ss receive HO with a gap fill exercise completing sentences with either infinitive verbs or gerunds and compare answers in pairs. When completed Ss will again come to the WB to fill in the gaps to allow any inconsistencies to be ironed out with the whole class. Ss will then in pairs discuss whether the infinitive used in that sentence is a noun, adjective or adverb with one Ss coming up to the WB to label sentences accordingly.
Each S writes a short paragraph explaining what they would do with fame and fortune using as much of the TL as possible. They will then read paragraphs to the class
Ss will swap their written work and will go through each others work to identify sentences which contain gerunds as different aspects of the sentence and the infinitive as either a noun, adjective or adverb to ensure they can easily produce and identify TL.