Lale Kanmaz Lale Kanmaz

Reading - Shopping on the internet
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice their receptive skill of reading in the context of E-shopping. In the first activity students will scan the text to look for specific information. They will read situations and they have to decide which link they would click at the website. In the second activity students will skim the text (reading for gist) in small groups by matching descriptions of stores with the stores in the mall. The third activity will require students to use intensive reading skills (reading for detail) to determine which stores offer which services.


Abc Reading exercise
Abc Matching exercise
Abc Reading text and reading exercises

Main Aims

  • To provide students reading for gist by skimming, reading for specific information by scanning and intensive reading.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Fluency speaking


Lead -in (4-6 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson by linking to the earlier lessons.

First I will ask: "Do you remember Walid's lesson. What was it about?" Shopping. "Is it possible to shop without really going to the shop?" "How do we call these shops?" Web shop. I will ask the students a few questions like "Have you ever bought anything online? What was it? Would you ever buy clothes online?" to get them interested in the topic. I will tell the students we are going to look at an online web shop and answer some questions about the shop. But I will first pre-teach some vocabulary (bargain and wrap) they need to understand these words to do the first exercise.

Scan Reading (4-6 minutes) • To find specific information

I will tell the students that we are going to read some situations by showing exercise 1 on page 90. Look at the sentences and find which link on the website you would click. I will tell the students that they will be working alone and that they have 3 minutes to finish this exercise. I will check the instructions and hand out page 90 with a picture of the website and exercise 1. The students will check the answers in group and I will ask students to come to white board and put theright letter next to correct link.

Skim Reading (5-8 minutes) • To practice reading for gist

To introduce this gist task I will first ask the students to look at the shop titles on the webpage. I will choose a few shops and ask students what they sell in these shops. We will do a brief discussion in wholeclass. Then I will ask students to get into groups of 3 and show them the descriptions on page 133. The students will read the descriptions and try to find out what shop name goes with the descriptions. I will give the students 3 minutes to do this exercise. And telll them they don't have to read every word of the descriptions, just read it to find the answer. They work in group and all students should agree on the shop name. When finished we will check answers together and do wholeclass discussion. I will then ask how do you know this description goes with that shop, where in the text did you find it...

Lexis (3-5 minutes) • To review vocabulary from the descriptions

Students will get a matching exercise where they will match the words with the right definitions. We will check the answers together.

Intensive reading (10-15 minutes) • To practice reading for detail

The students will read the descriptions on page 133 and also the descriptions on the website again. In group they have to answer the questions from exercise 3. While they are doing the exercise I will write the names of the shops in a table on the white board. When they are finished, one person of each group will come to the white board and stick the products and services in the right column. We will have whole class discussion and check the answers.

Speaking (3-5 minutes) • Practice fluency speaking

I will ask students what they think about the products and services offered in the shops. Ask if there was anything they thought was missing. The students will have to come up with a web shop idea, in their groups they will discuss what products and services they want to offer. They will have to write a short description of their web shop. After the activity each group can present their idea. (we can select the best shop)

Web site designed by: Nikue