Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

Loves and Hates
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss learn about using verb +s for the third person singular, when using simple present tense.Listening related to what these celebrities like is continued with the exercises on what was in the recording. This is then followed by a grammar exercise where WB is used for different -s endings for different verbs. T elicits from the ss verbs that end with these sounds. There also is a second listening where the answers are given by groups. T gets feedback with the who question. After guided drills are completed, students will be working in a different grouping, to match the words to the correct picture. They will check each other's work and compare. T will be monitoring throughout this process. Finally, the lesson ends with a freer exercise where ss write indually on a piece of paper 5 things 3 of which they themselves do, and 2 they don't. After they are finished,T pairs the ss to compare their answers if their are same or different. A general close-up on what was learnt in the lesson is elicited from the ss if there is extra time.


Abc Blank A4 paper HO for personal love/hate/frightened
Abc CD
Abc Gap fill HO
Abc HO from the student's book
Abc Pictures
Abc Realia

Main Aims

  • Grammer, - s/he verb + s

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening


Lead-In/Warm Up (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the lesson personalizing with what T loves/hates/is frightened of

To create interest for the upcoming text the T first tells what she loves and writes the structure for 1st person singular on the WB. Then shows the ss some realia for them to write down what they love /hate... themselves, with the 3rd person singular form.

Introduction (6-8 minutes) • Vocabulary of the recording followed by love hate frightened of with personalization

The lesson starts with a vocabulary check to be used with the verbs love, hate and frightened. SS discuss in pairs what they hate & love & are frightened of. They will write down their own to the page given. HO will be given by the T to SS and the celebrities are elicited from the ss checking thany stage to move ite pictures in the HO.

Listening (12-13 minutes) • Understanding what is being listened for correct answer matching

HO will be given by the T to SS and the celebrities are elicited from the ss checking the pictures in the HO. Listening related to what these celebrities like is continued with the exercises on what was in the recording. There will be GW where 4 groups are formed by the T and the cut-ups are distributed for the exercise to be completed within the group. The answers are then checked between groups and as the whole class then checks them from the stick-ups the T had put on the WB.

Grammar (8-10 minutes) • The 3rd person singular V1 +s form in Simple Present Tense

He forms are given on the WB , but the T elicits them through mime or CCQs from the SS. Different endings are also given so that the ss are asked to find similar verbs and make a list on the WB with examples

Listening 2 (3-4 minutes) • To check the meaning with different statements related to first recording

T puts the CD for a group of sentences that are related to the first listening. The T guides the drill by intervening in with who questions

Close up (4-5 minutes) • Freer exercise where ss personalize the context and discuss if same or different within GW

First the exercise on p:35 is done by choral drilling, then T instructs a freer exercise instructing the ss using examples from the lesson just done or body language or mine, where ss write indually on a piece of paper 5 things, 3 of which they themselves do, and 2 they don't. After they are finished,T pairs the ss to compare their answers if their are same or different.

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