Aysegul Esmer Aysegul Esmer

You and Yours
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss learn about the family relations and with the help of possesive 's give personal information with their Families.Both the HO and the materials given by the teacher are for introducing new family vocabulary, check that the ss learnt their meaning and use the words correctly.Other than forming family trees, famous people who are related will be used for eliciting the new material from the ss.


Abc Realia
Abc Pictures
Abc Form a table HO
Abc Blank A4 paper HO for personal love/hate/frightened
Abc CD
Abc HO from the student's book

Main Aims

  • New language - Possesives

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary - Family members ; Speaking about families


Lead In / Warm Up (3-4 minutes) • • Eliciting previous knowledge of the ss with the use of possesive adjectives

Greetings and revising the you/your structures that the ss have previously learnt.

Family Tree (10-15 minutes) • • To introduce the family vocabulary to the ss with productive skill-writing

- T draws a her own family tree on the WB with extra material pictures & realia. - Eliciting from the ss the tree is completed with the names of then people and the related vocabulary. - Spreading A4 papers to ss t asks the ss to form their own family trees with 10 people maximum; a time limit of 3 minutes is given. -After they are finished tell them to leave it aside for the later moments of the lesson.

Gender Table (7-8 minutes) • • To go over the family vocabulary with gender differences or both

-T passes out the HO instructing ss the exercise that they will be doing. - The words in the list are matched under related gender. -The ss work in groups of 3 and check each others' answers.

Realia (7-8 minutes) • • To emphasize on possesive 's with examples from famous people who are related

- SS write sentences about the people in the photos, doing pair work. - CD is used as material for receptive skill 'Listening'. The answers are checked first eliciting from the ss, then from the CD. - Go over the vocabulary to check they understand the meaning using the WB when necessary and check exercise 2 first in pairs, then within the class.

Practice with their own Family Trees (5-6 minutes) • • To check if the vocabulary and the question answer structure is learnt

-The ss pick up their own trees , and T asks them to swap their papers. - Working in pairs, they ask questions related to each other's families.. - SS exchange partners and continue asking others the same questions, giving short answers.

Discussion (3-4 minutes) • • Speaking & Writing on other famous people who are related

- T asks the whole group if they know any other famous people who are related. T. puts the other pictures around the class as ss do the HO. - SS form groups of colors where they discuss among each other the subject for 2 minutes and write down what they found. - When the time is up, T asks ss from each group how many they were able to find and ends the lesson with praisal on how they worked today.

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